Report customization

Is there any way to customize the “canned text” portion of Piwik email reports? I basically would like to customize nearly everything about the email report (email from, email subject and the actual email content before the stats are inserted).

I’m hoping that there is a template somewhere that can be easily edited…


It is not possible yet to edit the text fully, but please add your voice to this ticket

#2764: Allow customization of mail subject and body

Any way to upvote this?

Multiple reports for the same site, but with different segments have the same subject lines.

Hi there, yes to upvote please comment in the github issue directly! thanks

Bumping this as I would still like to modify the look of the email report (e.g., modify the header appearance, edit/remove some of the canned text that appears as the wording is clumsy) so that it appears more professional and more closely matches the look and layout of other emails I send to my clients.

Seems like this should be possible…
