Referrer/Search Engines and Keywords not being tracked

Currently our Piwik system doesn’t seem to track the referrer URLs when the user enters the tracked site from a search engine (google or yahoo). I’ve checked the SearchEngines.php file, and both engines are in there. We are currently using the Image Tracker on the tracked site, so could this be the reason? Does Piwik track referrer URLs, in particular search engines and keywords, ONLY if we use the Javascript tracking method?

Thanks in advance for your time,

Thanks for the report, this is a documentation issue: you should add the following parameter to the image tracker request:
urlref - The Referrer URL: must be set to the referrer URL used before landing on the page containing the Image tracker. For example, in PHP this value is accessible via


Hey Matt, I went ahead and switched it over to Javascript tracker, and still no search engine & keyword was tracked. Do I need to add this parameter for the Javascript Tracker also?

Thanks again,

Please disregard my previous question. Search Engine & Keyword functionality is working for me after switching to Javascript Tracker. Thanks again for your time!