Quick question about Live Visitors

Hi All,
Quick question, in the “Live Vistors” section i get a report as follows:-

from Google “site:mycompetitor.com computer repair mylocation”

Where mycompetitor is, you guessed it, a competitor of mine and my location is a localised search.

My question is, why is my competitor showing on my live visitors, twice on the same day, as a link from Google as a site?

Any ideas how i interpret this? I guess im worried he’s clicking on my ads to reduce my budget.

Apologies if this is an inappropriate place to put this question.

site:mycompetitor.com means the user did a search to restrict the search results to those on the *.mycompetitor.com domain. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the user is from mycompetitor.com.

However,if you suspect competitor click fraud, you have the IP address – you should be able to exclude the IP in your Adwords settings (Tools | IP Exclusion).

Ok, thanks for the feedback,
I appreciate that if i goto Google and do Site:whatever.com i will search that specific site.

My question is though, why would that showing up on my Piwik results page under “Live Visitors” twice within 30 mins?

I’m obviously not that site and why would google return results for my site when searching his? (I checked with the same keywords and it doesn’t)

Maybe there is a bug in the Keyword operator parsing?

If you click on the URL referer, do you see in google the same keyword as the one displayed in the Live! widget?

I took a look for you, In “Referrers”, “Search Engines & Keywords” under Search Engines Google, i see the exact same text as i see in Live Visitors.

Was that what you were expecting?

I meant, go to Visitors>Visitor log, look up the visitor that you mention, you will see Google + the keyword detected, which will be linked to the exact Referer page. Can you copy paste this URL here?


It looks like your adword search shows on up on a search for “site:mycompetitor.com computer repair mylocation” and someone clicked it. I recommend setting up your ad so it doesn’t show up on these keywords.

It looks like your adword search shows on up on a search for “site:mycompetitor.com computer repair mylocation” and someone clicked it. I recommend setting up your ad so it doesn’t show up on these keywords.[/quote]

Pardon my ignorance, but how would we stop this from occurring over and over again for other keywords, and how would I set up my ad to effectuate this “block”? What if someone has a huge array of IP’s?