Hi all thank you for creating this plugin, really helping us here.
But we facing some issues regarding performance when trying to run process the queue.
here is our command to run process with such this command :
php console queuedtracking:process -n --ignore-warn --no-ansi --queue-id=<some-number> --force-num-requests-process-at-once=500 > /dev/null
we divide it to 16 worker (0-15 queue-id) and expect for this tracking process to run parallel but it seems to run sequentially for us. Is there any other config parameter or something that we missed?
One of the case :
we run 16 worker with cronjob. and only cron that consume queue 0 that working hard and other queue randomly working and idling
for queuetracking settings on dashboard:
- backend : Redis with Sentinel (1 master and 2 replicas)
- Number of queue workers : 16
- Number of requests that are processed in one batch : 500
we also using 3 servers:
- 1 machine is focused for redis and queuetracking:process (in cron job)
- others machines is for tracker with load balancer.
- concurrent users on our website : > 20.000 RPS
any suggestion guys?
Thank you!