Problems with geoip

i copied the folder into the plugins folder, now when i try to activate the plugin, i get the message

that when protected $mod_geoip = true; is set

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/123/piwik/plugins/GeoIP/GeoIP.php:1) in /www/htdocs/123/piwik/core/View.php on line 100


when i set it to false there’s no error, the plugin is in the list but when i click to activate i doesn’t change status and isn’t activated?

Remove/rename/move the existing directory instead of copying files into it. Get the latest version of the plugin. Please report any server-side errors that are logged.

what do you mean by that? it’s the latest version i have

here are the errors i get, when i copy gepip folder in the plugins folder and click on settings to activate the plugin:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/12345/piwik/plugins/GeoIP/GeoIP.php:1) in /www/htdocs/12345/piwik/core/View.php on line 100

Backtrace -->#0 Piwik_ErrorHandler(2, Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/12345/piwik/plugins/GeoIP/GeoIP.php:1), /www/htdocs/12345/piwik/core/View.php, 100, Array ([sites] => Array ([0] => Array ([idsite] => 1,[name] => domain,[main_url] =>,[ts_created] => 2008-12-29 19:16:26,[feedburnerName] => domain)))) called at [(null):0]

#1 header(Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8) called at [/www/htdocs/12345/piwik/core/View.php:100]

#2 Piwik_View->render() called at [/www/htdocs/12345/piwik/plugins/CorePluginsAdmin/Controller.php:37]

#3 Piwik_CorePluginsAdmin_Controller->index() called at [(null):0]

#4 call_user_func_array(Array ([0] => Piwik_CorePluginsAdmin_Controller Object ([] => CorePluginsAdmin,[] => 2009-01-15,[] => Piwik_Date Object ([] => 1231974000)),[1] => index), Array ()) called at [/www/htdocs/12345/piwik/core/FrontController.php:146]

#5 Piwik_FrontController->dispatch() called at [/www/htdocs/12345/piwik/index.php:52]

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/12345/piwik/plugins/GeoIP/GeoIP.php:1) in /www/htdocs/12345/piwik/core/View.php on line 100

Backtrace -->#0 Piwik_ErrorHandler(2, Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/htdocs/12345/piwik/plugins/GeoIP/GeoIP.php:1), /www/htdocs/12345/piwik/core/View.php, 100, Array ([sites] => Array ([0] => Array ([idsite] => 1,[name] => domain,[main_url] =>,[ts_created] => 2008-12-29 19:16:26,[feedburnerName] => domain)))) called at [(null):0]

#1 header(Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8) called at [/www/htdocs/12345/piwik/core/View.php:100]

#2 Piwik_View->render() called at [/www/htdocs/12345/piwik/plugins/LanguagesManager/LanguagesManager.php:45]

#3 Piwik_LanguagesManager->showLanguagesSelector(Event_Notification Object ([_notificationName] => template_topBar,[_notificationObject] => ,[_notificationInfo] => Array (),[_notificationState] => 0,[_notificationCount] => 0)) called at [(null):0]

#4 call_user_func_array(Array ([0] => Piwik_LanguagesManager Object (),[1] => showLanguagesSelector), Array ([0] => Event_Notification Object ([_notificationName] => template_topBar,[_notificationObject] => ,[_notificationInfo] => Array (),[_notificationState] => 0,[_notificationCount] => 0))) called at [/www/htdocs/12345/piwik/libs/Event/Dispatcher.php:280]

#5 Event_Dispatcher->postNotification(Event_Notification Object ([_notificationName] => template_topBar,[_notificationObject] => ,[_notificationInfo] => Array (),[_notificationState] => 0,[_notificationCount] => 0), 1, ) called at [/www/htdocs/12345/piwik/libs/Event/Dispatcher.php:250]

#6 Event_Dispatcher->post(, template_topBar, Array (), 1, ) called at [/www/htdocs/12345/piwik/core/PluginsManager.php:487]

#7 Piwik_PostEvent(template_topBar, ) called at [/www/htdocs/12345/piwik/core/SmartyPlugins/function.postEvent.php:40]

#8 smarty_function_postEvent(Array ([name] => template_topBar), Piwik_Smarty Object ([template_dir] => Array ([0] => plugins,[1] => themes/default,[2] => themes),[compile_dir] => tmp/templates_c,[config_dir] => configs,[plugins_dir] => Array ([0] => libs/Smarty/plugins,[1] => core/SmartyPlugins),[debugging] => 1,[error_reporting] => 6143,[debug_tpl] => ,[debugging_ctrl] => NONE,[compile_check] => 1,[force_compile] => ,[caching] => 0,[cache_dir] => tmp/cache,[cache_lifetime] => 3600,[cache_modified_check] => ,[php_handling] => 0,[security] => ,[secure_dir] => Array (),[security_settings] => Array ([PHP_HANDLING] => ,[IF_FUNCS] => Array ([0] => array,[1] => list,[2] => isset,[3] => empty,[4] => count,[5] => sizeof,[6] => in_array,[7] => is_array,[8] => true,[9] => false,[10] => null),[INCLUDE_ANY] => ,[PHP_TAGS] => ,[MODIFIER_FUNCS] => Array ([0] => count),[ALLOW_CONSTANTS] => ),[trusted_dir] => Array (),[left_delimiter] => {,[right_delimiter] => },[request_vars_order] => EGPCS,[request_use_auto_globals] => 1,[compile_id] => ,[use_sub_dirs] => ,[default_modifiers] => Array (),[default_resource_type] => file,[cache_handler_func] => ,[autoload_filters] => Array (),[config_overwrite] => 1,[config_booleanize] => 1,[config_read_hidden] => ,[config_fix_newlines] => 1,[default_template_handler_func] => ,[compiler_file] => Smarty_Compiler.class.php,[compiler_class] => Smarty_Compiler,[config_class] => Config_File,[_tpl_vars] => Array ([SCRIPT_NAME] => /piwik/index.php,[piwikUrl] =>[/url],[pluginsName] => Array ([Actions] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => Actions,[description] => Reports about the page views, the outlinks and downloads. Outlinks and Downloads tracking is automatic!,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[API] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => API,[description] => All the data in Piwik is available through simple APIs. This plugin is the web service entry point, that you can call to get your Web Analytics data in xml, json, php, csv, etc. Discover the Piwik APIs.,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[CoreAdminHome] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => 1,[info] => Array ([name] => Administration area,[description] => Administration area of Piwik.,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[CoreHome] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => 1,[info] => Array ([name] => Homepage,[description] => Web Analytics Reports Structure.,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[CorePluginsAdmin] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => 1,[info] => Array ([name] => Plugins Management,[description] => Plugins Administration Interface.,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[CoreUpdater] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => 1,[info] => Array ([name] => Updater,[description] => Piwik updating mechanism,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[Dashboard] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => Dashboard,[description] => Your Web Analytics Dashboard. You can customize Your Dashboard: add new widgets, change the order of your widgets. Each user can access his own custom Dashboard.,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[DBStats] => Array ([activated] => ,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => Databases statistics,[description] => This plugin reports the database usage by Piwik tables.,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[ExampleAPI] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => Example API,[description] => Example Plugin: How to create an API for your plugin, to export your data in multiple formats without any special coding? Visit the ExampleAPI example methods.,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[ExampleFeedburner] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => Example Feedburner,[description] => Example Plugin: How to display your Feedburner subscriber in a Widget in the Dashboard?,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[ExamplePlugin] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => Example Plugin,[description] => Example Plugin: This plugin shows how to create a very simple plugin, that exports two widgets in the Dashboard.,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[ExampleRssWidget] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => Example Rss Widget,[description] => Example Plugin: How to create a new widget that reads a RSS feed?,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[Feedback] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => Feedback,[description] => Send your Feedback to the Piwik Team in one click. Share your ideas and suggestions with us!,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[GeoIP] => Array ([activated] => ,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => GeoIP,[description] => GeoIP // get user precise localisation from its IP,[author] => Mikael, Maciej Zawadziński,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1,[translationAvailable] => 1,[TrackerPlugin] => 1)),[Goals] => Array ([activated] => ,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => (ALPHA) Goal Tracking,[description] => Create Goals and see reports about your goal conversions: evolution over time, revenue per visit, conversions per referer, per keyword, etc.,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1,[TrackerPlugin] => 1)),[Installation] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => Installation,[description] => Installation process of Piwik. The Installation is usually done once only. If the configuration file config/ is deleted, the installation will start again.,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[LanguagesManager] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => Languages Management,[description] => This plugin will display a list of the available languages for the Piwik interface. The language selected will be saved in the preferences for each user.,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[Live] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => Live Visitors,[description] => Live Visitors!,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[Login] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => Login,[description] => Login Authentication plugin, reading the credentials from the config/ file for the Super User, and from the Database for the other users. Can be easily replaced to introduce a new Authentication mechanism (OpenID, htaccess, custom Auth, etc.).,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[Provider] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => Provider,[description] => Reports the Provider of the visitors.,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1,[TrackerPlugin] => 1)),[Referers] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => Referers,[description] => Reports the Referers data: Search Engines, Keywords, Websites, Campaign Tracking, Direct Entry. ,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[SitesManager] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => Sites Management,[description] => Websites Management in Piwik: Add a new Website, Edit an existing one, Show the Javascript code to include on your pages. All the actions are also available through the API.,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[UserCountry] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => Visitors Country,[description] => Reports the Country of the visitors.,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[UserSettings] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => Visitors Settings,[description] => Reports various User Settings: Browser, Browser Family, Operating System, Plugins, Resolution, Global Settings.,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[UsersManager] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => Users Management,[description] => Users Management in Piwik: add a new User, edit an existing one, update the permissions. All the actions are also available through the API.,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[VisitFrequency] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => Visits Frequency,[description] => Reports various statistics about the Returning Visitor versus the First time visitor.,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[VisitorInterest] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => Visitors Interest,[description] => Reports about the Visitor Interest: number of pages viewed, time spent on the Website.,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[VisitsSummary] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => Visits Summary,[description] => Reports the general Analytics numbers: visits, unique visitors, number of actions, Bounce Rate, etc.,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[VisitTime] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => Visits Time,[description] => Reports the Local and Server time. Server time information can be useful to schedule a maintenance on the Website.,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1)),[Widgetize] => Array ([activated] => 1,[alwaysActivated] => ,[info] => Array ([name] => Widgetize your data!,[description] => The plugin makes it very easy to export any Piwik Widget in your Blog, Website or on Igoogle and Netvibes!,[author] => Piwik,[homepage] =>,[version] => 0.1))),[menu] => Array ([Plugins] => Array ([module] => CorePluginsAdmin,[action] => index),[Benutzer] => Array ([module] => UsersManager,[action] => index),[Webseiten] => Array ([module] => SitesManager,[action] => index)),[currentModule] => CorePluginsAdmin,[currentPluginName] => Plugins Management,[userLogin] => d009b8d0,[sites] => Array ([0] => Array ([idsite] => 1,[name] => domain,[main_url] =>,[ts_created] => 2008-12-29 19:16:26,[feedburnerName] => domain)),[url] => [url=],[token_auth] => 8f74984e32c3a068f90d899e56f7692a,[userHasSomeAdminAccess] => 1,[piwik_version] => 0.2.28,[totalTimeGeneration] => 0.047,[totalNumberOfQueries] => 0,[showSitesSelection] => ,[showPeriodSelection] => ,[topBarElements] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => CoreHome,[1] => Your Dashboard,[2] => Array ([module] => CoreHome,[action] => index)),[1] => Array ([0] => Widgetize,[1] => Widgets,[2] => Array ([module] => Widgetize,[action] => index)),[2] => Array ([0] => API,[1] => API,[2] => Array ([module] => API,[action] => listAllAPI)),[3] => Array ([0] => Feedback,[1] => Give us Feedback!,[2] => Array ([module] => Feedback,[action] => index,[keepThis] => true,[TB_iframe] => true,[height] => 400,[width] => 350),[3] => title=“Give us Feedback!” class=“thickbox”)),[element] => Array ([0] => Feedback,[1] => Give us Feedback!,[2] => Array ([module] => Feedback,[action] => index,[keepThis] => true,[TB_iframe] => true,[height] => 400,[width] => 350),[3] => title=“Give us Feedback!” class=“thickbox”)),[_smarty_vars] => ,[_sections] => Array (),[_foreach] => Array (),[_tag_stack] => Array (),[_conf_obj] => ,[_config] => Array ([0] => Array ([vars] => Array (),[files] => Array ()),[1] => Array ([vars] => Array (),[files] => Array ()),[2] => Array ([vars] => Array (),[files] => Array ())),[_smarty_md5] => f8d698aea36fcbead2b9d5359ffca76f,[_version] => 2.6.18,[_inclusion_depth] => 2,[_compile_id] => ,[_smarty_debug_id] => SMARTY_DEBUG,[_smarty_debug_info] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => template,[filename] => CorePluginsAdmin/templates/manage.tpl,[depth] => 0),[1] => Array ([type] => template,[filename] => CoreAdminHome/templates/header.tpl,[depth] => 1),[2] => Array ([type] => template,[filename] => CoreHome/templates/js_global_variables.tpl,[depth] => 2,[exec_time] => 0,000679016113281),[3] => Array ([type] => template,[filename] => CoreHome/templates/top_bar.tpl,[depth] => 2)),[_cache_info] => Array (),[_file_perms] => 420,[_dir_perms] => 505,[_reg_objects] => Array (),[_plugins] => Array ([modifier] => Array ([translate] => Array ([0] => smarty_modifier_translate,[1] => CorePluginsAdmin/templates/manage.tpl,[2] => 8,[3] => 1,[4] => 1),[urlRewriteWithParameters] => Array ([0] => smarty_modifier_urlRewriteWithParameters,[1] => CoreHome/templates/top_bar.tpl,[2] => 5,[3] => 1,[4] => 1)),[function] => Array ([postEvent] => Array ([0] => smarty_function_postEvent,[1] => CoreAdminHome/templates/header.tpl,[2] => 25,[3] => 1,[4] => 1),[assignTopBar] => Array ([0] => smarty_function_assignTopBar,[1] => CoreHome/templates/top_bar.tpl,[2] => 1,[3] => 1,[4] => 1)),[block] => Array (),[compiler] => Array (),[prefilter] => Array (),[postfilter] => Array (),[outputfilter] => Array ([trimwhitespace] => Array ([0] => smarty_outputfilter_trimwhitespace,[1] => ,[2] => ,[3] => 1,[4] => 1)),[resource] => Array (),[insert] => Array ()),[_cache_serials] => Array (),[_cache_include] => ,[_cache_including] => )) called at [/www/htdocs/12345/piwik/tmp/templates_c/%%A5^A51^A51D6D8B%%top_bar.tpl.php:17]

#9 include(/www/htdocs/12345/piwik/tmp/templates_c/%%A5^A51^A51D6D8B%%top_bar.tpl.php) called at [/www/htdocs/12345/piwik/libs/Smarty/Smarty.class.php:1864]

#10 Smarty->_smarty_include(Array ([smarty_include_tpl_file] => CoreHome/templates/top_bar.tpl,[smarty_include_vars] => Array ())) called at [/www/htdocs/12345/piwik/tmp/templates_c/%%38^383^383EA889%%header.tpl.php:40]

#11 include(/www/htdocs/12345/piwik/tmp/templates_c/%%38^383^383EA889%%header.tpl.php) called at [/www/htdocs/12345/piwik/libs/Smarty/Smarty.class.php:1864]

#12 Smarty->_smarty_include(Array ([smarty_include_tpl_file] => CoreAdminHome/templates/header.tpl,[smarty_include_vars] => Array ())) called at [/www/htdocs/12345/piwik/tmp/templates_c/%%94^949^9498696C%%manage.tpl.php:8]

#13 include(/www/htdocs/12345/piwik/tmp/templates_c/%%94^949^9498696C%%manage.tpl.php) called at [/www/htdocs/12345/piwik/libs/Smarty/Smarty.class.php:1260]

#14 Smarty->fetch(CorePluginsAdmin/templates/manage.tpl) called at [/www/htdocs/12345/piwik/core/View.php:101]

#15 Piwik_View->render() called at [/www/htdocs/12345/piwik/plugins/CorePluginsAdmin/Controller.php:37]

#16 Piwik_CorePluginsAdmin_Controller->index() called at [(null):0]

#17 call_user_func_array(Array ([0] => Piwik_CorePluginsAdmin_Controller Object ([] => CorePluginsAdmin,[] => 2009-01-15,[] => Piwik_Date Object ([] => 1231974000)),[1] => index), Array ()) called at [/www/htdocs/12345/piwik/core/FrontController.php:146]

#18 Piwik_FrontController->dispatch() called at [/www/htdocs/12345/piwik/index.php:52]

what is the content of your /www/htdocs/12345/piwik/plugins/GeoIP/GeoIP.php
it sounds like this file starts with a space of empty line of null character.
make sure you use the files from…zip?format=raw[/url] (or the latest version if there is a newer version attached to the [url=]GeoIP plugin ticket

Ok, thanks this problem has gone now. But now as in the instructions i try to activate Geo_ip for the past data with geoipupdaterows. but it gives me the error

Fatal error: Class ‘Piwik_GeoIP’ not found in … /misc/geoipUpdateRows.php on line 49

second problem are there any widgets? i don’t find one to activate geoip for me in my piwik stats?