I just upgraded to 1.2 but have since then not been able to log on. The login page just refreshes back.
I thought I may have made a mistake in the upgrade and scrapped the whole installation. I then installed a freash copy of 1.2 but I’m still having the same problems.
I have a dual booth system XP 32bit and XP 64bit. With 1.2.1 I can login on the 32bit side but not the 64bit side. The login page will just refresh the page after I fill in my info. On the 32bit side 1.2.1 shows up but the seperate widgets are a bit off untill I roll over them. Not the end of the world but some of the older updates worked much better.
I had the latest Flash. I switched to Chrome and everything works fine on both XP 32bit and XP 64bit. This is not an advertisement either. Thanks for the help, Anthon!