Nous travaillons pour un client qui utilise Matomo et ce dernier s’est rendu compte que les statistiques de géolocalisations ne semblent pas remontées correctement dans Matomo.
La vue par région nous indique que la région majeure est l’ile de France, ce qui est explicable par le fait que beaucoup de réseaux ou connexions sont retournées par là-bas. En revanche l’outil nous remonte 0 visite dans le Pays de la Loire, alors que sur la vue ville, Nantes ressort en premier (il s’agit d’un site de mairie dans cette région).
Le soucis semble venir du fait que si on regarde le classement des villes, on voit le format “ville, région, pays”. Alors que pour les autres villes ont voit directement “ville, pays”. On dirait que certaines villes ne sont pas réliées à une région.
Merci d’avance !
Bonjour @cyrilwseils
Je me demande si ce n’est pas lié à un problème qui sera résolu avec la version future 5 de Matomo :
opened 12:48PM - 28 Mar 23 UTC
closed 11:06AM - 06 Jun 23 UTC
c: Tracking
## Context
When geolocation is enabled in Matomo, Matomo tries to detect and … store the location of the visitor based on his IP.
Depending on the use location database, this may contain country, region and city details.
Countries and Regions are internally stored as iso codes.
Unlike most other databases the free DBIP location database does not include any region codes. Instead it only serves region names.
To be able to store the region details in that case, we try to look up the region code by it's name using a [list of all regions](
This currently fails as in some cases our list is not up to date in other cases the database returns the name in e.g. another language or writing.
As the free DBIP geolocation database is the suggested default database, we should improve that detection/mapping.
This problem has already been reported in various other issues like:,,,
## Expected Behavior
Regions should be detected correctly when using free DBIP location database
## Current Behavior
Regions are only partially or not detected at all for certain countries.
## Possible Solution
The detection of regions should be done a bit more fuzzy. In addition the list should also contain old names of regions, regions that have been removed from iso and maybe also some other names that are used by DBIP database.
A proposed solution can be found in
@mattab @Stan-vw Might be good to prioritize this one into Matomo 5 as it might impact a lot on premise customers.
The proposed solution is almost finished. Might need a couple more hours to look it through again and maybe add some more tests.
Et je ne sais pas si c’est le même problème :
opened 08:44AM - 09 Nov 18 UTC
If you view the visitor map on country level you are able to see city, but not s… tate visitors.
Should be fixxed before #13687 is merged to not confuse people.
Note : Il y a aussi des problèmes sur l’affichage des cartes :
opened 07:45PM - 03 Aug 17 UTC
c: Accessibility
Our map wasn't updated for some years and some stuff is shown wrong or is incomp… lete.
Unfortunately our map generator ( is outdated and doesn't work anymore.
We either should try to get the old generator working again or look out for some completely new maps.
Would be awesome if we would find some volunteer for this project, as we currently have more important issues and won't be able to handle this soon.
Summary of Issues that should be resolved with new maps:
#11266, #10963, #10123, #9719, #9170, #321, #13347, #18459 and maybe others
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Merci pour votre réponse !
En effet cela semble être le même problème. Nous allons attendre la version 5 et utiliser la vue liste par ville pour le moment.