Problem Installation? I have errors everywhere

I recently installed, or attempted to install Matomo Analytics for my website. I uploaded the files to my domain/Analytics folder and walked through the setup procedures. Though there was some early confusion, eventually there were green lights all the way through the setup. I’m using InfinityFree and Cloudflare if that is helpful.

However, when I turned it on to look at my traffic, there are warnings in red all over the place. I’m not using WordPress or any cookie-cutter web tools like Wix, Squarespace, etc.
I’ve installed the Matomo script on all of my pages (the most relevant ones).
I’m looking for a path to begin dealing with these problems that involves some explanation and how to fix them. I do not know even how to or what questions I need to be asking. Though I’m pretty good at figuring these things out eventually, I need a little more help to start with. Here are a few error messages to get started right off the bat.

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Mysqli prepare error: Access denied for user ‘epiz_28063674’@‘192.168.%’ to database ‘epiz_28063674_MatomoAnalytics’ - in plugin Goals.

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Oops… there was a problem during the request. Maybe the server had a temporary issue, or maybe you requested a report with too much data. Please try again. If this error occurs repeatedly please contact your Matomo administrator for assistance.

Essentially nothing is working. I’m sure the problem must be obvious but I do not know where to start. From what I’ve gathered, Matomo is a wonderful application and I need it to work for me. Please help!


Have you gone through the motions of setting up your database(MySQL, MariaDB, etc.)? I ask as the Mysqli prepare error seems to elude to that.


I did go through those steps. I created a database at InfinityFree where my website is hosted. I then used the name of the database I created in completing the installation. There were problems getting through the installation as the instructions were not very clear. There were two options regarding the database in the setup procedure. In poking around trying to make it work, I selected the second option at the bottom concerning databases, though I don’t recall what those options were, and then everything worked. Matomo went into my server and set up the databases as indicated by the setup routine. Today I confirmed this by going through CPanel at InfinityFree and there were the database tables. There is wording at InfinityFree about me not having privileges of adding other users, but as I am the owner and administrator, I assumed that all of those privileges apply, including create, read, write, access. Matomo should not have been able to set up the database without my full access as super user, correct? If there are other settings I should have tripped, I do not know what they are, nor was there any language in the setup, as I recall, stating any special requirements.

Hello again,

I’m still getting this error:
Mysqli prepare error: Access denied for user ‘epiz_2806xxxx’@‘192.168.%’ to database ‘epiz_2806xxxx_MatomoAnalytics’ - in plugin Goals.

I did some digging regarding the establishment of a connection between my database and my website. The Matomo files are under mydomainName/Analytics. Looking further down this path, I found the config.ini.php file → mydomainName/Analytics/config/config.ini.php

Opening this file we have something like the following — XXX to guard the personal data.
Everything seems to match, ala passwords, server, username, database name. I’m not sure where to go from this point or what to check…

; <?php exit; ?> DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE
; file automatically generated or modified by Matomo; you can manually override the default values in global.ini.php by redefining them in this file.
host = “
username = “epiz_2806xxxx”
password = “laSXLJXXXX”
dbname = “epiz_2806xxxx_MatomoAnalytics”
tables_prefix = “matomo_”
adapter = “MYSQLI”

assume_secure_protocol = 1
proxy_client_headers[] = “HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP”
proxy_client_headers[] = “HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR”
salt = “9339db336cf01148bc229f1526c329cb”
trusted_hosts[] = “

PluginsInstalled[] = “Diagnostics”
PluginsInstalled[] = “Login”
PluginsInstalled[] = “CoreAdminHome”
PluginsInstalled[] = “UsersManager”
PluginsInstalled[] = “SitesManager”

What happens if you try connect directly the database with an SQL client?
Can you create new tables? delete some (new created tables)?

I am sorry, I just now saw this while searching for another error. Were you ever abl to figure out the problem? I just recently had a similar problem.