i just update to matomo 3.5.0 and since that i’m not able to import log file anymore.
The process seam to work but nothing appear in the gui
i get this report after the import
Logs import summary
90601 requests imported successfully
71731 requests were downloads
615278 requests ignored:
2289 HTTP errors
62 HTTP redirects
4 invalid log lines
0 filtered log lines
0 requests did not match any known site
0 requests did not match any --hostname
5297 requests done by bots, search engines...
607626 requests to static resources (css, js, images, ico, ttf...)
0 requests to file downloads did not match any --download-extensions
Website import summary
90601 requests imported to 1 sites
1 sites already existed
0 sites were created:
0 distinct hostnames did not match any existing site:
Performance summary
Total time: 110 seconds
Requests imported per second: 819.15 requests per second
Processing your log data
and i run this after that
[root@isis piwik-poc]# ./console core:archive --force-all-websites --force-all-periods=315576000 --force-date-last-n=1000 --url=‘http://piwik-poc’
bu he don’t load anything for my site id 21
INFO [2018-05-17 20:39:53] 30960 Will pre-process for website id = 21, period = week, date = last1000
INFO [2018-05-17 20:39:53] 30960 - pre-processing all visits
INFO [2018-05-17 20:39:54] 30960 Archived website id = 21, period = week, 0 segments, 0 visits in last 1000 weeks, 0 visits this week, Time elapsed: 0.843s
INFO [2018-05-17 20:39:54] 30960 Will pre-process for website id = 21, period = month, date = last1000
INFO [2018-05-17 20:39:54] 30960 - pre-processing all visits
INFO [2018-05-17 20:39:54] 30960 Archived website id = 21, period = month, 0 segments, 0 visits in last 1000 months, 0 visits this month, Time elapsed: 0.625s
INFO [2018-05-17 20:39:54] 30960 Will pre-process for website id = 21, period = year, date = last1000
INFO [2018-05-17 20:39:54] 30960 - pre-processing all visits
INFO [2018-05-17 20:39:55] 30960 Archived website id = 21, period = year, 0 segments, 0 visits in last 1000 years, 0 visits this year, Time elapsed: 0.536s
INFO [2018-05-17 20:39:55] 30960 Archived website id = 21, 4 API requests, Time elapsed: 3.062s [3/4 done]
it was working on 3.4.0
Hope you can help me