Port statistics from Slimstat to Piwik

Hello everyone I’m stuck in a problem that I’m not able to solve.

I have some old statistics of a website which were collected using Slimstat. Now all statistics are collected using Piwik, so I was wondering if there is a way to import that old statistics into Piwik.

Do you know something which can help me? Software tools or similar to perform this task?

If there is nothing available, can you suggest how can I create and import script? I’m a PHP programmer, so I could manage to create something ad hoc for the task!

Thanks :slight_smile:

you can use tracking API to replay data: http://piwik.org/docs/tracking-api/reference/

I have written a guide to this with the code I wrote to perform this function, hopefully you’ll find it helpful and you can maybe extend it too… It’s pretty basic but suits the purpose I wrote it for.

You can find it here: http://www.smickus.org/converting-from-wordpress-slimstat-to-piwik/


I recently needed to do the exact same thing and found this forum entry. So I decided to use @smickus script and modify it to fit my needs. Since I needed to use it on multiple sites, with different table prefixes and different versions of Slimstat (their database model changed at some point) there needed to be some configuration options.

You can get the modified version on my GitHub page: GitHub - christianhennen/wp-slimstat-to-piwik: Migrate your WP Slimstat Analytics visitor log to Piwik

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Great project @christianhennen :thumbsup: