Pk_campaign parameter mangling


After sending a newsletter to our customers we found something strange: a few users clicking on the links had the pk_parameters mangled, eg. “pk_campaign=newsletter” became “pk_campaign=afjfyfggfe”
These same users seem to come from different countries. As most of our customers are in Germany I suspect their browser plays some tricks.

Just out of curiosity: has anyone seen this? Do you know, which broser or extension might be doing this?


Hi ! I have same problem and i’m still searching an explanation…

Some explanations here :

But no solution !

Hi @Gergely_Aradszki, @Sebastien_COLLET
What if you use mtm_campaign and mtm_kwd instead of pk_campaign and pk_kwd?
Eg: https://site/target-page?mtm_campaign=Name&mtm_kwd=Keyword


For me, that’s already the case… Thank’s