Piwik widget issue

When I use the iFrame, my height never works as needed. It sets to 350 by default and will not resize.

I have a site on the same server as piwik… is there a way (on same server or not) to place a widget somewhere without an iframe?

i found some auto-height jquery plugins, but i have to run it after the widget is fully loaded, and some widgets take longer than others… and i cannot figure out a way for a callback. any ideas or suggestions or solutions?

Thanks for report. We’d like to add iframe auto-height feature. See this ticket: Widgets improvement: iframes auto height · Issue #3042 · matomo-org/matomo · GitHub
maybe you are able to test the code there, and/or update it, then post a comment in that ticket? this would help us and maybe we will then commit it to Piwik core once you and/or others will confirm it works

is there a way to include a widget WITHOUt an iframe on a site that resides on the exact same www.domain.com?