Piwik Vistor Data Appears Inaccurate

I installed Piwik this afternoon and everything went smoothly. I installed it as a standalone in the root of one of my blogs, then pasted the Piwik code between the HEAD tags in the header.php file.

System Check shows no problems or errors.

Now, visits are being recorded, but they are vastly lower than the results produced by Jetpack’s stats. I fully accept that two different stats packages will record things differently, but not to the degree I am seeing.

My blog also employs Wordfence Security. One feature of that is that it records visitors in real time - not stats, just the details of each visitor. It means that I can watch people coming to my blog in real time - but very few are being logged by Piwik.

I accept that spiders/crawlers/uptime monitors and so on may not be recorded. But some of the ones being missed by Piwik are clearly normal users who are browsing my site (they are using normal browsers, have normal ISPs, and their IPs resolve to real locations in the UK (where most, though not all, of my traffic comes from)).

I know that this has been talked about before (I did a forum search first) but no solutions were given.

I’m trialling Piwik as I was let down by another stats package recently. If I am happy with it I will likely go Pro (or purchase premium options). It looks beautiful and the options are ideal for my purposes. However, it is reporting about 80-90% less traffic than Jetpack - some of which it definitely should be catching.

Does anyone have any ideas what might be going on?


As an update, I just used Wordfence to filter out everything except human visitors (it records all server traffic).

Since 4.30pm on 7 April (when I installed Piwik) up until about 12.30am on 8 April (total of 8 hours), I had 226 human visits. I can see that they were real visits, about 80% from the UK, the rest from various countries (USA, India, Philippines, Pakistan, Canada, Belgium, Netherlands, Bulgaria).

Piwik has recorded 36 visits, and just three countries.

Does your Piwik adhere the Do Not Track in the system > privacy settings?

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