Piwik SMTP Config using Mandrill

Hi, Any body had luck using Mandrill SMTP? I tried it few times but it ended up in the Mandrill’s rejection list.

The response I get from Mandrill is ‘invalid-sender’.

I am using the latest Piwik 2.7.0.

Note: Tried the same with default settings (not using Mandril SMTPl) works.


My curent config is as follows:

defaultHostnameIfEmpty = "mydomain.com"
transport = "smtp"
port = 587
host = "smtp.mandrillapp.com"
type = "Login"
username = "username@mydomain.com"
password = “MANDRILL_API_KEY”

I’ve got it working with this config:
PIWIK > Settings > General settings > Email server settings
SMTP server address: smtp.mandrillapp.com
Use SMTP server for e-mail: yes
SMTP port: 587
Authentication method for SMTP: Login
SMTP username: (your mandrill API username)
SMTP password: (your mandrill API key)
SMTP encryption: TLS