May 1, 2015, 12:45am
I have been using Piwik for years now and have always wanted one plugin that for some reason never gets added to the options panel. I’m sure I am not alone. This feature of being able to allow users to Register/login to a self hosted version of Piwik has been ask for by many users. Where can I find a plugin that can do this?
Thank you for any help with this problem.
August 4, 2015, 5:04am
Not a single response in 3 months? Useless.
September 4, 2015, 9:03am
Ready to invest in this plug-in;
opened 12:19PM - 10 Feb 10 UTC
closed 03:30AM - 21 Mar 14 UTC
Is is a very common feature request that users want to have their Piwik as a sel… f serve tool where new users can register themselves and existing users can add new websites.
This ticket is a placeholder to gather requirements on such a feature. We don't plan to implement this in Piwik 1.0 but there might be enough interested users & developers to get this feature built and integrated in core.
List of features:
- Below the login screen, a new link to "Register".
- The Register screen would contain the standard field (login, password, email, name) using the login screen html/css styles. During registration, a user would also setup their first website (website name, URL).
- Once the registration is complete (directly or after validation by the Piwik super user), the user can access the Piwik interface and get the Javascript tag.
- A user creating a website would be "admin" for this website. He can create other users and give them access to the stats.
- New setting: Allow users to register themselves and create websites Y/N
- New setting: Allow existing users to create new websites Y/N
Outstanding questions
- We need to ensure that users providing a self hosted Piwik do not use the Piwik and rebrand their offering.
- if one was to bill for the service, how would this be handled?
- if a large website comes in and adds the Piwik tag, this would severely impact/break other websites' performance. How is this handled? Some sort of security in the tracker is necessary to block all new writes from a website that is using too much resource.
Please post your thoughts and new requirements in a comment to this ticket. Also if you are interested to build this feature, post a comment.
**Want this feature implemented and released in Piwik?**
Contact a Piwik consultant today!
Keywords: self, hosted, hosted, register, registration, service, third-party-plugin
Is anybody ready to do this?