Piwik Postgres support

HI team,

we are building a mutualized continuous integration plateform based on Sonar, jenkins and Artifactory. and we are studying the possibiltiy to integrate Piwik too.

But since we are using Postgres, and for database homogeneity, we focused on research on a version of Piwik that support Postgres, which we’ve found and test : https://github.com/tvondra/pg-piwik

So, i’m wondering if this “branch” for postgres, is going to be updated for each new release of Piwik ?
and is there any support by the Piwik team ?

Thank you

This branch is discussed on the mailing list piwik-hackers see: http://lists.piwik.org/pipermail/piwik-hackers/

and: http://piwik.org/participate/user-feedback/#toc-mailing-lists