Two years ago I promoted a Wordpress site and read somewhere about Piwik. I installed it to my website (can’t say that the process went flowless though) and compared the stats from Piwik with the stats from Google Analytics. I can’t say that I saw then much more in Piwik than I could see in GA. This made me delete Piwik code from my website back then.
Today I work at this website, and I need all the information I can get from the web about it. My question is: what are the top reasons that might make me give Piwik a second chance? Has much changed since then?
Being in a bit of the same boat, here is my answer - for what it is worth.
The most significant new features for me are ecommerce analytics. Piwik has come a LONG way on that in the past 2 years.
The feature set remains much lighter than Google Analytics , but powerful enough to be as useful in many cases and more useful in others. Not necessarily because it does more, but because I find the presentation of the data more useful for some cases. Your mileage may vary of course…