Piwik not counting social media referrers


I am not writing this topic to say something bad for Piwik team but I write it because I hope this issue can solve by them.

Before 3 month I re-open my blog and as usual I used Piwik and visits everyday like 76 or 34 after one month I added Google Analytics to my blog to see visits report, the reports same as piwik so I believe everything is ok, Before one month I start using Google Shortner but I found many many clicks everyday on links and Piwik and Google analytics still 34, 45 visit WTF for example in one day I got 700+ clicks in one link and Piwik and Google analytics give me 54 visits only.

For one week I search and search and search for solution but no hope one day I remember hosting provider given me AwStats in my cpanel so I open it and I found answer it is provide me the real number of visits huge number.

The Summary you have to know Piwik and Google analytics not count the referrers from Social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc. so now I am using AwStats and I am happy good bye Piwik.


Well, I can’t speak to your comparison with google. (I don’t even know what Google Shortener is.) But I get referrers from Facebook all the time.

Awstats (and Webalyzer, and others like) always give MUCH larger numbers of visitors. I can’t explain this in a technical way. But I tend to think of it as Piwik tracks only human visitors. I don’t think Piwik looks at script “visitors” or spiders, or spammers, or all that automated stuff.

If all you want is a large number of visitors, you probably don’t need Piwik anyway :slight_smile: