... I have two questions after the test application installed on my server (http://www.server.com/piwik)
1) I have some statistics visible to the user anonymous for various websites. If I'm not login and I'm going to [http://www.server.com/piwik[/url], then get to the statistics visible to the user anonymity as they are defined first. If and I'm going to a [url=http://www.server.com/piwik]http://www.server.com/piwik](http://www.server.com/piwik) not login, you should get to the login page!
2) How can I change the dashborad that exists by default?
Piwik is the best web analytics application, that's why I want to solve these two problems.
Excuse the English, do not speak well and I am using a translator.
Thanks for the welcome and thank you very much for reply style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif
But what if I have a number of public statistics of several sites? Why redirected to one in particular (id=1) with the base url when there are multiple? I just know their urls to publish their home pages.
I would like the base url statistics (www.web.com/piwik) always redirected to the login page. How could I do?
Google Scholar is interpreted as a external website when it should be interpreted as a search engine, as in my previous web analytics systems. How could I change this?
[quote=vlilloh @ Dec 3 2008, 08:45 AM]Another question,
Google Scholar is interpreted as a external website when it should be interpreted as a search engine, as in my previous web analytics systems. How could I change this?[/quote]
Good question, I added a new faq entry: http://piwik.org/faq/general/#faq_39 A search engine is counted as a website referer. How can I add the search engine to Piwik?