Piwik + drupal: "There is no data for this report." in all reports

I am running piwik 0.9 and want to monitor a drupal site. I’ve installed the piwik module, I can see the javascript snippet in my pages, it seems to be using the right siteid, yet I still don’t see any data in piwik style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif



Incorrect Piwik tracking code
Seems to be okay, it’s the same as both piwik.org and the piwik dashboard show me

Testing Piwik with disabled Javascript
Not disabled

Do you have logs registered in your Piwik database?
0 rows in the log_visit table.

Using Piwik latest version
Version 1.0 now

All of this done, the problem persists: no error message anywhere, but also no data. Help?

Also, I can see entries in my apache logs:

60.54.46.xx - - [08/Sep/2010:02:50:54 -0400] “GET /piwik/piwik.php?idsite=1&rec=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Ftribily.com%2Fuser%2Fregister&res=1280x800&h=14&m=51&s=1&cookie=1&urlref=http%3A%2F%2Ftribily.com%2F&rand=0.36308175791054964&pdf=1&qt=1&realp=0&wma=1&dir=0&fla=1&java=1&gears=1&ag=0&action_name=User%20account%20%7C%20Tribily.com HTTP/1.1” 200 1169 “tribily.com/user/register” “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.127 Safari/533.4”

Getting closer:

[Tue Sep 07 23:24:43 2010] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: stderr: 2 => '9ce34f1f91ed9b4031f7fd9490a3d in /var/www/virtual/tribily.com/htdocs/piwik/core/Tracker/Db/Pdo/Mysql.php on line 178, referer: http: //tribily.com/

Which is in this function:

   143          /**
   144           * Executes a query, using optional bound parameters.
   145           * 
   146           * @param string Query 
   147           * @param array|string Parameters to bind array('idsite'=> 1)
   148           * 
   149           * @return PDOStatement or false if failed
   150           * @throws Exception if an exception occured
   151           */
   152          public function query($query, $parameters = array()) 
   153          {
   154                  if(is_null($this->connection))
   155                  {
   156                          return false;
   157                  }
   159                  try {
   160                          if(self::$profiling)
   161                          {
   162                                  $timer = $this->initProfiler();
   163                          }
   165                          if(!is_array($parameters))
   166                          {
   167                                  $parameters = array( $parameters );
   168                          }
   169                          $sth = $this->connection->prepare($query);
   170                          $sth->execute( $parameters );
   172                          if(self::$profiling)
   173                          {
   174                                  $this->recordQueryProfile($query, $timer);
   175                          }
   176                          return $sth;
   177                  } catch (PDOException $e) {
   178                          throw new Exception("Error query: ".$e->getMessage() . "
   179                                                                  In query: $query
   180                                                                  Parameters: ".var_export($parameters, true));
   181                  }
   182          }

I have similar issue (if not the same). I have had Piwik for awhile, and it has been tracking fine, but after manual update couple months ago it has stopped adding any new data. Use latest versions of Piwik, Drupal and Wordpress with respective standard plug-ins.