Piwik doesn't track all orders


I have a problem with our Piwik tracking server. I hope you can help me.
I’m trying to track orders with the Ecommerce functionality of Piwik. The JS-code implemented in our shop seems to be fine because many orders get tracked.

Anyway some orders are missing BUT i can see all the GET-request of “piwik.php” in the access-logs. Also the GET-requests of the missing orders. I even tried to copy the URLs of the missing orders and called the URLs manually by myself. After calling the URLs, the missing orders are tracked in the Piwik statistics.

Here one GET-request that didn’t work:

88.69.xxx.xx - - [29/May/2014:20:50:20 +0200] "GET /piwik.php?idgoal=0&ec_id=82446&revenue=159.9&ec_st=159.9&ec_tx=26.65&ec_sh=0&ec_dt=false&ec_items=%5B%5B%222-82038-17%22%2C%22SEAS%22%2C%5B%22eas_colors_GRAU%22%2C%22type_Sneaker%22%2C%22size_39%22%2C%22lock_Klettverschluss%22%2C%22lining_Leder%20pflanzlich%20gegerbt%20(chromfrei)%22%5D%2C%22159.90%22%2C%221%22%5D%5D&idsite=21&rec=1&r=615513&h=20&m=50&s=21&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.my-shop.com%2Fde%2Forder%2Fbestellung-auftragsbestatigung&_id=1045d013d95685b0&_idts=1401388018&_idvc=1&_idn=0&_refts=1401388018&_viewts=1401388018&_ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ecosia.org%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dmy%2Bshop&pdf=0&qt=1&realp=0&wma=0&dir=0&fla=0&java=0&gears=0&ag=0&cookie=1&res=768x1024 HTTP/1.1" 200 43 "https://www.my-shop.com/de/order/bestellung-auftragsbestatigung" "Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 7_1_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11D201 Safari/9537.53"

After calling exactly this URL, the missing order is tracked. But why did Piwik not track it the first time the URL was being called?

And a GET-request that worked out well:

79.253.xx.xxx - - [29/May/2014:23:59:11 +0200] "GET /piwik.php?idgoal=0&ec_id=82462&revenue=99.9&ec_st=99.9&ec_tx=16.65&ec_sh=0&ec_dt=false&ec_items=%5B%5B%222-82519-86%22%2C%22SOSO%22%2C%5B%22eas_colors_BLAU%22%2C%22type_Sandale%22%2C%22size_39%22%2C%22lock_Klettverschluss%22%2C%22lining_Leder%20pflanzlich%20gegerbt%20%20(chromfrei)%22%5D%2C%2299.90%22%2C%221%22%5D%5D&idsite=21&rec=1&r=660630&h=0&m=4&s=38&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.my-shop.com%2Fde%2Forder%2Fbestellung-bestaetigung&_id=2c1905fca543164d&_idts=1401399913&_idvc=1&_idn=0&_refts=1401399913&_viewts=1401399913&_ref=https%3A%2F%2Fstartpage.com%2Fdo%2Fsearch%3F&pdf=1&qt=0&realp=0&wma=1&dir=0&fla=1&java=0&gears=0&ag=0&cookie=1&res=1280x800&gt_ms=250 HTTP/1.1" 200 43 "https://www.my-shop.com/de/order/bestellung-bestaetigung" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:29.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/29.0"

Do you have any ideas, why only some orders are missing and why they aren’t tracked although their GET-requests are correctly listed in the access-log of the Piwik server?

Do you have any ideas, why only some orders are missing and why they aren’t tracked although their GET-requests are correctly listed in the access-log of the Piwik server?

I think this could happen, when the Mysql server is temporarily down or not working. The web server request will still work, be logged in the access log file, and then nothing will be recorded (in case mysql is down). I’m not sure what other causes could explain these requests would not be tracked?


I just found this post. I got the same problem, but I didn’t the same procedure to check where was the problem.
I just tried a page containing my JavaScript tracker with the goal, pressed F5 everytime the page was completely loaded, and noticed that the number of pageviews was different from the number of conversions, from 10 to 30%.

I posted a topic on it already, just found this one with maybe the same issue. (30% conversion missing)

Hoping we can find a solution,

I have found the reason: Piwik Settings => Do-not-Track functionality

Are you sure it was the problem? I compared to GA’s stats, that means GA doesn’t respect the Privacy with basic configuration while Piwik does?

Is it normal that 30% of the people are using DNT ? I find this percentage a bit high.

I am pretty sure. I compared the Piwik data to our order-system and now nearly all orders are tracked.
Before disabling this funcionality about 30% of the orders were missing.

Internet Explorer 10 has DNT enabled by default.
I don’t know the default settings of other browsers but maybe some other browsers do the same.

Well that was the solution, thank you very much for these informations, it helped me a LOT. It fixed the visits loss I had as well.

Thanks for the report. I’ve made a change that doNotTrack will now be ignored on Internet Explorer, because Microsoft enabled doNotTrack by default on IE: Ignore DoNotTrack for all IE browsers since it is enabled by default. · matomo-org/matomo@26578ca · GitHub

I think that is not the best way to solve the problem.

If someone has doNotTrack enabled, it should work (in my opinion). No matter which default setting the browser has.
Users of IE10 and greater therefore have no chance not to get tracked by Piwik.