Piwik Docker Image with compose mySQL on Bluemix

Hi All,

Our team is looking into connecting a Piwik Docker image on BLuemix with a compose mySQL Bluemix Service. I have the image up on bluemix and connected to my SQL service but I am not sure what to do in the Database setup page for the fields:
-Database Server
-Database Name

I have these credentials that are given to me for the mySQL service

“Compose for MySQL”: [
“name”: “myPiwikDB”,
“label”: “Compose for MySQL”,
“credentials”: {
“db_type”: “mysql”,
“name”: " my-really-long-name-with-mixed-string-dal-f6489ddsadf-afadf-455g4-afas223",
“uri_cli”: “mysql -u admin -p --host XXXXX --port XXXX --ssl-mode=REQUIRED”,
“deployment_id”: “XXXXXX”,
“uri”: “mysql://admin:XXXX@XXXX.4.dblayer.com:mySQLPort/compose”

I’ve tried the names obviously in the name field and interchanged these values in the setup. Is there something else I need to do.

Yes, I have seen this setup: Getting Started with Piwik on IBM Bluemix™ and it no longer works as mysql is noLonger a stand alone service and we would like to use a docker image for this particular project.

I figured out how to set his up. A write up will be coming shortly