Piwik and SharePoint Foundation


Does Piwik work with SharePoint Foundation 2010 ? We generate the tracking code script with SharePoint Sites and include it in SP Designer in v4.master but Piwik doesn’t return any informations.

Thanks a lot for support.

Best regards,


Does Piwik code appear in the source code of the website ?

On your Piwik server, in your Apache logs, do you see call to “piwik.php” ?

These are first steps to checkout.


Hi I want to track the following on my share point :

1: Most visited site
2: Last Created site
3: Map of what site was created when
4: Share point community overview

Is all this possible using Piwik ?

Hi there,

Please check our SharePoint Analytics solution, contact us via SharePoint Analytics - Analytics Platform - Piwik
This solution lets you measure your user activities in your SharePoint Sites automatically.
