[Piwik 2.0-b7] TCPDF ERROR on Cron job (ARCHIVE.PHP)


We keep receiving the following error below on every run of ARCHIVE.PHP.
Although the PDF files we receive from the email are all good.
Any suggestions on how to fix?

We are already using Piwik 2.0-b7.

Thanks for your support!

Error in the last Piwik archive.php run:
1 total errors during this script execution, please investigate and try and fix these errors. First error was: Got invalid response from API request: http://www.example.com/piwik/index.php?module=API&method=CoreAdminHome.runScheduledTasks&format=csv&convertToUnicode=0&token_auth=c18d4868d17cba5fff7b50b0473257f7&trigger=archivephp. Response was '

There is an error. Please report the message (Piwik 2.0-b7)
and full backtrace in the Piwik forums (please do a Search first as it might have been reported already!).

Illegal string offset ‘masked’ in /var/www/http/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 7067

Backtrace -->

#0 Piwik\Error::errorHandler(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php:7067]

#1 TCPDF->Image(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php:7265]

#2 TCPDF->ImagePngAlpha(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php:6970]

#3 TCPDF->Image(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/ReportRenderer/Pdf.php:385]

#4 Piwik\ReportRenderer\Pdf->paintReportTable(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/ReportRenderer/Pdf.php:318]

#5 Piwik\ReportRenderer\Pdf->renderReport(…) called at [:]

#6 array_walk(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/plugins/ScheduledReports/API.php:445]

#7 Piwik\Plugins\ScheduledReports\API->generateReport(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/plugins/ScheduledReports/API.php:512]

#8 Piwik\Plugins\ScheduledReports\API->sendReport(…) called at [:]

#9 call_user_func(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/TaskScheduler.php:244]

#10 Piwik\TaskScheduler::executeTask(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/TaskScheduler.php:134]

#11 Piwik\TaskScheduler::runTasks(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/plugins/CoreAdminHome/API.php:41]

#12 Piwik\Plugins\CoreAdminHome\API->runScheduledTasks(…) called at [:]

#13 call_user_func_array(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/API/Proxy.php:199]

#14 Piwik\API\Proxy->call(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/API/Request.php:205]

#15 Piwik\API\Request->process(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/plugins/API/Controller.php:34]

#16 Piwik\Plugins\API\Controller->index(…) called at [:]

#17 call_user_func_array(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/FrontController.php:114]

#18 Piwik\FrontController->dispatch(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/index.php:58]

There is an error. Please report the message (Piwik 2.0-b7) and full backtrace in the Piwik forums (please do a Search first as it might have been reported already!).

Illegal string offset 'altimgs' in /var/www/http/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 7073

Backtrace -->

#0 Piwik\Error::errorHandler(...) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.p

Here is the full errors output:

Querying Piwik API at: http://www.example.com/piwik/index.php
Running Piwik 2.0-b7 as Super User: root


  • Reports for today will be processed at most every 10 seconds. You can change this value in Piwik UI > Settings > General Settings.
  • Reports for the current week/month/year will be refreshed at most every 3600 seconds.
  • Archiving was last executed without error 59 min 29s ago
  • Will process 2 websites with new visits since 59 min 29s , IDs: 1, 5

Archived website id = 1, period = day, Time elapsed: 1.302s
Archived website id = 1, period = week, 1844 visits, Time elapsed: 2.698s
Archived website id = 1, period = month, 0 visits, Time elapsed: 7.472s
Archived website id = 1, period = year, 0 visits, Time elapsed: 3.080s
Archived website id = 5, period = day, Time elapsed: 2.853s
Archived website id = 5, period = week, 90 visits, Time elapsed: 2.081s
Archived website id = 5, period = month, 90 visits, Time elapsed: 3.616s
Archived website id = 5, period = year, 90 visits, Time elapsed: 1.232s
Starting Piwik reports archiving…
Done archiving!

Total daily visits archived: 48
Archived today’s reports for 2 websites
Archived week/month/year for 2 websites
Skipped 1 websites: no new visit since the last script execution
Skipped 0 websites day archiving: existing daily reports are less than 10 seconds old
Skipped 0 websites week/month/year archiving: existing periods reports are less than 3600 seconds old
Total API requests: 8
done: 2/2 100%, 48 v, 2 wtoday, 2 wperiods, 8 req, 24417 ms, no error
Time elapsed: 24.417s

Starting Scheduled tasks…
ERROR: Got invalid response from API request: http://www.example.com/piwik/index.php?module=API&method=CoreAdminHome.runScheduledTasks&format=csv&convertToUnicode=0&token_auth=c18d4868d17cba5fff7b50b0473257f7&trigger=archivephp. Response was '

There is an error. Please report the message (Piwik 2.0-b7)
and full backtrace in the Piwik forums (please do a Search first as it might have been reported already!).

Illegal string offset ‘masked’ in /var/www/http/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 7067

Backtrace -->

#0 Piwik\Error::errorHandler(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php:7067]

#1 TCPDF->Image(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php:7265]

#2 TCPDF->ImagePngAlpha(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php:6970]

#3 TCPDF->Image(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/ReportRenderer/Pdf.php:385]

#4 Piwik\ReportRenderer\Pdf->paintReportTable(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/ReportRenderer/Pdf.php:318]

#5 Piwik\ReportRenderer\Pdf->renderReport(…) called at [:]

#6 array_walk(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/plugins/ScheduledReports/API.php:445]

#7 Piwik\Plugins\ScheduledReports\API->generateReport(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/plugins/ScheduledReports/API.php:512]

#8 Piwik\Plugins\ScheduledReports\API->sendReport(…) called at [:]

#9 call_user_func(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/TaskScheduler.php:244]

#10 Piwik\TaskScheduler::executeTask(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/TaskScheduler.php:134]

#11 Piwik\TaskScheduler::runTasks(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/plugins/CoreAdminHome/API.php:41]

#12 Piwik\Plugins\CoreAdminHome\API->runScheduledTasks(…) called at [:]

#13 call_user_func_array(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/API/Proxy.php:199]

#14 Piwik\API\Proxy->call(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/API/Request.php:205]

#15 Piwik\API\Request->process(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/plugins/API/Controller.php:34]

#16 Piwik\Plugins\API\Controller->index(…) called at [:]

#17 call_user_func_array(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/FrontController.php:114]

#18 Piwik\FrontController->dispatch(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/index.php:58]

There is an error. Please report the message (Piwik 2.0-b7) and full backtrace in the Piwik forums (please do a Search first as it might have been reported already!).

Illegal string offset 'altimgs' in /var/www/http/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 7073

Backtrace -->

#0 Piwik\Error::errorHandler(...) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.p


Error: Got invalid response from API request: http://www.example.com/piwik/index.php?module=API&method=CoreAdminHome.runScheduledTasks&format=csv&convertToUnicode=0&token_auth=c18d4868d17cba5fff7b50b0473257f7&trigger=archivephp. Response was '

There is an error. Please report the message (Piwik 2.0-b7)
and full backtrace in the Piwik forums (please do a Search first as it might have been reported already!).

Illegal string offset ‘masked’ in /var/www/http/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 7067

Backtrace -->

#0 Piwik\Error::errorHandler(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php:7067]

#1 TCPDF->Image(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php:7265]

#2 TCPDF->ImagePngAlpha(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php:6970]

#3 TCPDF->Image(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/ReportRenderer/Pdf.php:385]

#4 Piwik\ReportRenderer\Pdf->paintReportTable(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/ReportRenderer/Pdf.php:318]

#5 Piwik\ReportRenderer\Pdf->renderReport(…) called at [:]

#6 array_walk(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/plugins/ScheduledReports/API.php:445]

#7 Piwik\Plugins\ScheduledReports\API->generateReport(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/plugins/ScheduledReports/API.php:512]

#8 Piwik\Plugins\ScheduledReports\API->sendReport(…) called at [:]

#9 call_user_func(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/TaskScheduler.php:244]

#10 Piwik\TaskScheduler::executeTask(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/TaskScheduler.php:134]

#11 Piwik\TaskScheduler::runTasks(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/plugins/CoreAdminHome/API.php:41]

#12 Piwik\Plugins\CoreAdminHome\API->runScheduledTasks(…) called at [:]

#13 call_user_func_array(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/API/Proxy.php:199]

#14 Piwik\API\Proxy->call(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/API/Request.php:205]

#15 Piwik\API\Request->process(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/plugins/API/Controller.php:34]

#16 Piwik\Plugins\API\Controller->index(…) called at [:]

#17 call_user_func_array(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/FrontController.php:114]

#18 Piwik\FrontController->dispatch(…) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/index.php:58]

There is an error. Please report the message (Piwik 2.0-b7) and full backtrace in the Piwik forums (please do a Search first as it might have been reported already!).

Illegal string offset 'altimgs' in /var/www/http/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 7073

Backtrace -->

#0 Piwik\Error::errorHandler(...) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.p 1 total errors during this script execution, please investigate and try and fix these errors ERROR: 1 total errors during this script execution, please investigate and try and fix these errors. First error was: Got invalid response from API request: http://www.example.com/piwik/index.php?module=API&method=CoreAdminHome.runScheduledTasks&format=csv&convertToUnicode=0&token_auth=c18d4868d17cba5fff7b50b0473257f7&trigger=archivephp. Response was '
There is an error. Please report the message (Piwik 2.0-b7) and full backtrace in the Piwik forums (please do a Search first as it might have been reported already!).

Illegal string offset 'masked' in /var/www/http/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 7067

Backtrace -->

#0 Piwik\Error::errorHandler(...) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php:7067]
#1 TCPDF->Image(...) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php:7265]
#2 TCPDF->ImagePngAlpha(...) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php:6970]
#3 TCPDF->Image(...) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/ReportRenderer/Pdf.php:385]
#4 Piwik\ReportRenderer\Pdf->paintReportTable(...) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/ReportRenderer/Pdf.php:318]
#5 Piwik\ReportRenderer\Pdf->renderReport(...) called at [:]
#6 array_walk(...) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/plugins/ScheduledReports/API.php:445]
#7 Piwik\Plugins\ScheduledReports\API->generateReport(...) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/plugins/ScheduledReports/API.php:512]
#8 Piwik\Plugins\ScheduledReports\API->sendReport(...) called at [:]
#9 call_user_func(...) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/TaskScheduler.php:244]
#10 Piwik\TaskScheduler::executeTask(...) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/TaskScheduler.php:134]
#11 Piwik\TaskScheduler::runTasks(...) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/plugins/CoreAdminHome/API.php:41]
#12 Piwik\Plugins\CoreAdminHome\API->runScheduledTasks(...) called at [:]
#13 call_user_func_array(...) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/API/Proxy.php:199]
#14 Piwik\API\Proxy->call(...) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/API/Request.php:205]
#15 Piwik\API\Request->process(...) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/plugins/API/Controller.php:34]
#16 Piwik\Plugins\API\Controller->index(...) called at [:]
#17 call_user_func_array(...) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/core/FrontController.php:114]
#18 Piwik\FrontController->dispatch(...) called at [/var/www/http/piwik/index.php:58]

There is an error. Please report the message (Piwik 2.0-b7) and full backtrace in the Piwik forums (please do a Search first as it might have been reported already!).

Illegal string offset 'altimgs' in /var/www/http/piwik/libs/tcpdf/tcpdf.php on line 7073

Backtrace -->


It’s a bug in TCPDF but tried to fix it for you:
Can you please try this fix: trying to fix Illegal string offset ‘masked’ in <strong>/var/www/http… · matomo-org/matomo@6f94546 · GitHub