Piwik 1.5.1 getPageUrls Only returns 100 rows per segment

I have piwik 1.5.1 - its the only version I’ve ever installed, and I really like it.

I have a cron job running a small perl program that uses wget to make the call below
and I use that to build a plain HTML widget that shows the top 10 stories for the day. It runs every 15 minutes.

  • It is good, and it makes my pages 2 seconds faster then when I used feedjit.

So here is the problem I have.
I want to get a list of the top 500 or 1000 stories for the day or month,
but I only ever get 100. I tried using filter_limit=500 limit=500 and max_limit=100

  • and all of them at once (based on other forum posts for older versions)
    I even edited the global.ini.php

Tried this: const ACTIONS_REPORT_ROWS_DISPLAY = 500;
(was 100)

I am using a registered user token for the call.
Tried anonymous, a View user and an Admin user.

Nothing I tried makes it return more than 100. Got any ideas?


my URL structure is like this:


and it shows a /story section and then 100 subtable sections with somethinghere

story 8120 9112 402399 6850 9384 380826 5613 6456 50 82% 80% 1 − − 20111012065047zzzz.nb 197 245 6043 185 250 4194 136 183 31 74% 93% 3 − − /topstory.html 197 192 245 6043 180 185 250 4194 136 178 183 31 74% 93% − http://newsblaze.com/story/20111012065047zzzz.nb/topstory.html −

Can you try to update to latest piwik (current 1.6b5) from http://builds.piwik.org/ and try again? I remember fixing one issue related to this, but let me know if it still does not work.

Thank you Matt.
I just downlaoded it and will try it soon.
Are there any database changes I need to know about?


I tried it, updated the database, but still not working.
It is stuck on 100 maximum

OK, can you please try with 1.6 RC1: 301 Moved Permanently

If you still experience the issue after upgrading to this version, and ONLY if you still experience the issue for NEW days (ie. from today onwards), please post a screenshot here and we will investigate. Thanks!

Also make sure you make the change as explained in: How to - Analytics Platform - Matomo

Thank you Matt.
That fixed it.
Yes, I made those changes too.
Also, quite often, the script would take too long to respond, and it would time out.
I fixed that by changing the script max_execution_time in php.ini.

  • changed it from 30 to 120 and now it never fails.

All I need now is to get a million readers each day!

I have too many things going on right now, but around the end of the month,
I plan to write and publish a review if piwik.

Thank you for your help.
