I have piwik 1.5.1 - its the only version I’ve ever installed, and I really like it.
I have a cron job running a small perl program that uses wget to make the call below
and I use that to build a plain HTML widget that shows the top 10 stories for the day. It runs every 15 minutes.
- It is good, and it makes my pages 2 seconds faster then when I used feedjit.
So here is the problem I have.
I want to get a list of the top 500 or 1000 stories for the day or month,
but I only ever get 100. I tried using filter_limit=500 limit=500 and max_limit=100
- and all of them at once (based on other forum posts for older versions)
I even edited the global.ini.php
Tried this: const ACTIONS_REPORT_ROWS_DISPLAY = 500;
(was 100)
I am using a registered user token for the call.
Tried anonymous, a View user and an Admin user.
Nothing I tried makes it return more than 100. Got any ideas?
my URL structure is like this:
and it shows a /story section and then 100 subtable sections with somethinghere
story 8120 9112 402399 6850 9384 380826 5613 6456 50 82% 80% 1 − − 20111012065047zzzz.nb 197 245 6043 185 250 4194 136 183 31 74% 93% 3 − − /topstory.html 197 192 245 6043 180 185 250 4194 136 178 183 31 74% 93% − http://newsblaze.com/story/20111012065047zzzz.nb/topstory.html −