Piwik 1.5.1 And IE

I installed the Piwik 1.5.1 ,all is ok but I can’t see the graph in the IE 6-8 when I embeded a frame widget in my htmls ,but the grpah is ok in the chrome . WHY?

Hi, I have the problem. The graph is not visible in IE 6 but in Firefox and Chrome, it’s visible.

The problem appears in this sort of page :

Could you help us, please.

Thanks you.

I´ve found a strange problem with my piwik 1.5.1
The piwik only registers users by Chrome/Safari and Mozilla the others versions IE, piwik doesn´t register any access.
I´ve been checking the table piwik_log_visit only registers users different from IE.

I don´t know what´s happening because IE doesn´t complain any error about Javascript.