PDF reports

Sorry guys at this stage I’m still unsure what is happening. Can you show a screenshot of the email reports you received? Are you sure they are similar (and for the same websites, dates, etc.) ? You would receive the reports several times if you set it up with the same email several times. Check your PDF reports configuration again for all your sites & users (as they are different for each combination)[/quote]


what kind of screenshot ?
I have only 1 site out of 3 setup with an report. And this report only to 1 address. And this report is set to weekly and calling piwik.php (with debug on) I received 4 monthly reports and 2 weekly reports into my mailclient. And all reports were from the same (correct) site at the same time received.

I mentioned earlier (1.2rc5) that I received 2 reports. At that time I received the weekly ONLY ( as setup). And it was an automatically received one. In addition at this test server, reports were executed (sent) as soon as I “waked up” the screen by moving the mouse when I wanted to check for reports. That was the most strange thing for me, as the server is just running all time at the test periode (3 days).

Is there still some script really executed or does it need to have userintervention ?

Still don’t receive in 1.2…

As already mentioned I switched to 1.2 on release.
I setup a daily report for the admin user. No auto-reports. I deleted it.
I setup a daily report for a secondary user. No auto-reports either.
I turned on debugging.

Input parameters: <br/>array ( )
Loading plugins: { Provider,Goals }
Current datetime: 2011-03-14 17:54:57
-> Scheduled Tasks: Starting...

array (
  0 => 
  array (
    'task' => 'Piwik_CoreAdminHome.optimizeArchiveTable',
    'output' => 'Time elapsed: 0.043s',
  1 => 
  array (
    'task' => 'Piwik_PDFReports.dailySchedule',
    'output' => 'Time elapsed: 0.938s',
  2 => 
  array (
    'task' => 'Piwik_PDFReports.weeklySchedule',
    'output' => 'Time elapsed: 0.582s',
  3 => 
  array (
    'task' => 'Piwik_PDFReports.monthlySchedule',
    'output' => 'Time elapsed: 0.001s',

Finished Scheduled Tasks.

I received two daily reports to the addresses that I setup.

Additionally I received a weekly report to another address. Neither is there currently any weekly report configured nor that email address.

Looked it up in the DB: The weekly report was not deleted when the user it belonged to was removed.

Yes… It’s same

Oh maybe that is the problem?? Can you try and delete all reports that don’t have a user anymore, and see if the correct number of reports are sent?

Oh maybe that is the problem?? Can you try and delete all reports that don’t have a user anymore, and see if the correct number of reports are sent?[/quote]

so 2 problems here ?

1: entries in db not deleted
2: reports are not executed automatically

BUT why do we get ONE report when executing MANUALLY ?

This would mean that the db problem is not the culprit, as we should get 2 or more reports as well by manual execution ? Or am I wrong here ?

Can you try and delete all reports that don’t have a user anymore. Then run the automatic scheduler, and see if the correct number of reports are sent ? Or do you still have more reports sent than requested?

On my part deleting the orphaned entries from the pdf-table fixes the number of reports sent.

But unfortunately as opposed to 1.2rc1 reports are still not being sent automatically.
And in rc5 they were also localized in German (although not being sent automatically anymore…).

I have now deleted all old entries, created a new daily report, will wait and see.

One question: the table shows an entry for the username but no password entry.

As for the manual report, the user is loged-in > no need for password.

Question: To get the report automaticaly created and send, is the username/password combo needed ?

If so, we have a missing entry in the pdf table.

No report sent automatically after 24 hours .

Do we have any new info ?
Just curious.

1.2.1 and still no luck.

Please ugrade to the latest RC version (see other forum post).

Then if PDF reports are still not sent, please send me a PM with: Piwik URL, piwik login & password, FTP host & login & Pwd for the piwik server that is not sending PDF + reminder of the bug etc. I will take a look

Hello, I had the same issue using a cron job for archiving.

It was caused by an old site i removed from piwik. I checked for idsite present in the piwik_pdf table and not present in the piwik_site table, removed it, and now it works.

Hope it helps you.

Thanksfor the report, bug is now fixed in trunk: PDFReports: should hook on SitesManager.deleteSite · Issue #2314 · matomo-org/matomo · GitHub


im using piwik 1.2.1, windows server 2003, the manual email report work fine and the auto email report work okay but it only work when the debug is true then check it in MyURL.com.

any help?


Edit: it only mail if $GLOBALS[‘PIWIK_TRACKER_DEBUG_FORCE_SCHEDULED_TASKS’] = true; and check in MyURL.com.

That’s not the case here.

Switched to 1.3 RC now.

Geoff, I would be interested to see what the problem is on your install, if you can contact me by PM with your piwik URL + login / pwd, FTP access to your piwik, thanks

Hi matt,

thanks for replay,its my fault because the server time,the auto email report work fine now

thanks for the help…

what do you mean “server time”, what was the problem exactly?

sorry im not in the server right now,so ill explain the last that i have done last friday.

in the computer,the time is 3:25 pm and i trigger the task scheduler to 3:30,when it trigger at 3:30 the power shell will run and display some none etc. and Finished Scheduled tasks.

then i check my mail,sad to say no email receive then i turn true the FORCE_SCHEDULED_TASKS, i receive the mail. so i look to the database of my piwik in table piwik_pdf,the last sent their is 6:33.

so i that why i trigger it now at 3:35, so every 3:35 i will receive email report…

sorry for my not good english

thanks for all