Pb logging my errors in the Matomo.log

Hello world,
can’t catch error log on my file Matomo.log

and my path is existing. Any ideas ?

ERROR API[2022-09-27 12:18:22 UTC] [7839b] Uncaught exception in API: /home/xxx/xxx/matomo/plugins/LogViewer/Log/Reader/File.php(26): Specified path to log file does not exist: /home/xxx/xxx/matomo/tmp/logs/matomo.log [Query: ?date=yesterday&module=API&format=json&query=&limitPerPage=100&source=file&page=0&method=LogViewer.getLogEntries&segment=&idSite=2&period=day, CLI mode: 0]

Maybe a file right access? The user used by PHP to run Matomo must have an access to this file…