Parallel Tracking Google Ads & Matomo

Hello community!

As parallel tracking will be required for all Google Ads accounts starting October 30, is Matomo fully compatible with this system?


Thanks a lot and sorry if this question has been yet answered!


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Hi Ana,

I am not a 100% Google Ads expert. But before parallel tracking all my campaigns were tracked with pk parameters in Google Ads. I clicked on the button to activate parallel tracking and Google did the conversion for me. I didn’t notice any differences, all my traffic coming from those campaigns are still recorded fine as campaign within Matomo.

So I would say no difference… but to tell you the truth I did not study parallel tracking in depth.

Hope that helps,

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Thank you very much Ronan! Your experience helps me a lot. We tracked all our campaings in pk parameters in Google Ads too and we are going to launch an adwords campaign soon. Your experience sounds well.

ah ok, then you will see that they have like a system showing you if the url will break and if the url tracking will still be there when doing the transfer. You will be fine I am pretty sure.

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(disclaimer: I know absolutely nothing about google ads)
But I think that if you are using the Matomo Campaign Tracking Parameters it shouldn’t change anything:

Normally google ad tracking would link a user to the tracking site and the tracking site would redirect you to the real site. With parallel tracking the user is sent directly to the real site and the browser is instructed to also make a request to the tracking site at the same time.
As tracking with Matomo doesn’t use a site in between it doesn’t matter as both ways the user will end up on the real page (with the pk parameters) where Matomo is integrated.

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Ok Ronan, we’ll check all this issues. Thanks a lot for sharing your experience. It’s quite useful for us!

Hi Lukas,

that is exactly what our media agency is thinking. It seems for them that tracking without redirection (as you have mentioned with Piwik) will continue to work without any change.

They are trying to clarify and to investigate how the change can affect campaigns but it seems that in the case of piwik, as you say, there will be no problem.

Thanks a lot for your answer.