I would think it is a major need to be able to display a list of the top X (e.g. 10 or 50 or whatever) clients (visitors) based on the No. of pageviews.
This need is dictated by the current inability to understand the distribution of the number of pageviews across visitors.
This could also help in increasing security by identifying high undesirable activity by particular visitors.
The top client (visitor) would be the one who (for the specified period) had the greatest number of pageviews.
The list would include the client domain name (if available), the IP address, the No. of pageviews.
If possible, the same feature could be further developed (directly or at a second stage) as follows:
[li] Selecting a particular site page (e.g. from a dropdown with site pages), would display the same stats but for the particular page only.
[/li][li] Clicking on a client (visitor) on the list would display the top X site pages visited by that client (again for the specified period), based on the No. of pageviews.
If you agree on the usefulness of this feature, please explicitly state so, to express user interest and accelerate inclusion in the development roadmap.