Outgoing Links not tracked

Hey Gents,

since a while (can’t stat a fixed date), my Piwik instance is not tracking outgoing links any longer (see att. screenshot).

Dunno if this a bug, maybe someone can confirm this. I think outgoing links don’t work since 1.2 (I currently use 1.2.1 release). I had have a look at the RC bugfix/feature list, but couldn’t find this issue in your list of fixes… maybe you can have a look at it.


it works for us (see the demo), what is your site URL?

Hi Matt,

hmm, then probably something with my implementation is broken? All other things still work in piwik…
Please have a look at Caballo Horsemarket - Buy Horses and Sell Horses

Piwik loads at the very bottom of the body, like:

<script type="text/javascript">var u=(("https:"==document.location.protocol)?"https://devel.valloc.de/piwik/":"http://devel.valloc.de/piwik/" ) ;var _paq=_paq||[];_paq.push(['setSiteId',1]);_paq.push(['setTrackerUrl',u+'piwik.php']);_paq.push(['trackPageView']);(function(){var d=document,g=d.createElement('script'),s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];g.type='text/javascript';g.defer=true;g.async=true;g.src=u+'piwik.js';s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s)})();</script>

Thanks in advance

You’re missing :


Haha, great, thanks! Solved.