OptOut iframe - block third parties cookies or block all cookies


The opt-out iFrame is included on my page and it tells the user he is being tracked and he may opt out by clicking the link.
Third parties cookies are blocked in Chrome setup privacy cookies (same Block only third-party cookies or Block all cookies)

1.I don’t think this information is accurate because of my browser privacy choice. The iframe should warn about the privacy choice and tell the user is not being tracked.
2.When I click to opt out, it doesn’t take into account the choice. The case still remains checked.

I have seen a similar topic from GunnarB. So I installed Piwik ‘2.12.1’ but I still get the bug.

Many thanks in advance for your attention.

Hi there

can you please post a comment in this related bug report: Make Piwik opt-out feature work on safari and internet explorer · Issue #3135 · matomo-org/piwik · GitHub