Not able to track city even though geoip php is installed and activated?

not able to track city even though geoip php is installed and activated?
i have the application running in my local which is intranet of our company.what should i do to check whether it is working or not

GeoIP wont work in intranet since you have internal IP address

hi matt then how to check geoip functionality any other way ?

One way is to open ports on your router and:

  • Call someone to visit the page url.
  • You go to an Internet Cafe and visit the page url.

Then close those ports on your router.

Another way is to use the Piwik Api:

  1. Develop a small script to call the API
  2. Fake the IP to that script to use an IP of your choice.

If you need code example let me know

Actually the reason you do not see Piwik showing you any city is because LAN IPs do not belong to any country or city. Meaning that it should not show you country either – either using the geoip or not.