No tracking code is shown...?


When i go in my Matomo account to Add website I see this text:

Uw webanalyserapport heeft websites nodig! Voeg websites toe, actualiseer of verwijder websites. Toont ook het javascript dat u nodig heeft om in uw webpagina’s te integreren. U heeft momenteel toegang tot null websites .
(In English: you have access to ZERO websites.)
Een gebruiker met Super User rechten kan ook de globale instellingen specificeren voor nieuwe websites.

Gegevens laden… Gegevens laden…
in English: loading data… (but nothing happens)

When i press button ‘add website’, I can do so, but after saving this no page wtih ‘tracking code’ shows up.

Earlier I did find a tracking code en that looked loke this:

Again I’m asking for some help becaue my knowledge about this is insufficient to solve this…

With regards,
Peter Zondervan

Hi @Peter_Zondervan
Which Matomo version do you run?

Hello Philippe,

The version is: Matomo-versie: 4.15.1.
And…in the meantime, the installation was completely successful and Matomo is running without any problems
Greetings Peter

Hi @Peter_Zondervan
Then is everything going well now?
Maybe an explanation: when you collect data, Matomo then need time to process reports, they can appear empty for the time needed to process all reports… (or else for the time a scheduled task has been run)