No longer logging vists; piwik.php called

My install is not tracking visits anymore after (I believe) I upgraded it a few days ago.
It’s been working for a few years now but I went through and fixed some small issues listed here but don’t think they mattered much

  • Disabled 3rd party plugins (just 1 but no change)
  • SSL fully verified and working
  • Fresh browser with all do not track / adblock disabled or uninstalled.

My nginx server logs show that piwik.js is loaded and then calls piwik.php at my hosting site (using https).
I feel like this should then be logged - [04/Sep/2018:18:03:47 -0700] 200 "GET /piwik.js HTTP/1.1" "65697" "0.000" "https://domain.tld/2982/10-red-flags-that-your-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx/" "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 8.0.0; SM-G950U Build/R16NW; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/68.0.3440.91 Mobile Safari/537.36 [FB_IAB/FB4A;FBAV/;]" - [04/Sep/2018:18:03:48 -0700] 200 "GET /piwik.php?action_name=10%20Red%20Flags%20That%20Your%20xxxxxxx%20xxxxxxx%20xxxxxxx%20xxxxxxx%20xxxxxxx%20%E2%80%93%20xxxxxxx%20xxxxxxx%20News&idsite=1&rec=1&r=044778&h=19&m=3&s=47&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdomain.tld%2F2982%2F10-red-flags-that-your-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx%2F& HTTP/1.1" "272" "0.273" "https://domain.tld/2982/10-red-flags-that-your-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx/" "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 8.0.0; SM-G950U Build/R16NW; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/68.0.3440.91 Mobile Safari/537.36 [FB_IAB/FB4A;FBAV/;]"

Because it is calling piwik.js and then piwik.php with the correct info (with a 200 response) I would figure piwik (matomo) would then update the visitor log. But that doesn’t happen.


The easiest way is to enable debugging temporarily:

This way the /piwik.php request will respond with a verbose log that explains why it isn’t saved.

1 Like

I mimicked a piwik.php request with curl with debug=1 enabled (and then disabled it)
Still nothing is being tracked on all sites. Unfortunately, I’m unable to identify any leads in the debug. Perhaps I’m missing something?

DEBUG: Debug enabled - Input parameters: 
DEBUG: array (
DEBUG:   'action_name' => 'My Sites News – mydomain',
DEBUG:   'idsite' => '1',
DEBUG:   'rec' => '1',
DEBUG:   'r' => '466869',
DEBUG:   'h' => '12',
DEBUG:   'm' => '44',
DEBUG:   's' => '38',
DEBUG:   'url' => '',
DEBUG:   '_id' => '1db1ff046f15737f',
DEBUG:   '_idts' => '1536176518',
DEBUG:   '_idvc' => '1',
DEBUG:   '_idn' => '0',
DEBUG:   '_refts' => '0',
DEBUG:   '_viewts' => '1536176518',
DEBUG:   'send_image' => '1',
DEBUG:   'pdf' => '1',
DEBUG:   'qt' => '0',
DEBUG:   'realp' => '0',
DEBUG:   'wma' => '0',
DEBUG:   'dir' => '0',
DEBUG:   'fla' => '0',
DEBUG:   'java' => '0',
DEBUG:   'gears' => '0',
DEBUG:   'ag' => '0',
DEBUG:   'cookie' => '1',
DEBUG:   'res' => '1920x1080',
DEBUG:   'gt_ms' => '505',
DEBUG:   'pv_id' => 'ZBlvWR',
DEBUG: Current datetime: 2018-09-05 19:48:42
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Tracker\VisitRequestProcessor::manipulateRequest()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Actions\Tracker\ActionsRequestProcessor::manipulateRequest()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Goals\Tracker\GoalsRequestProcessor::manipulateRequest()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\SitesManager\Tracker\SitesManagerRequestProcessor::manipulateRequest()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\PrivacyManager\Tracker\RequestProcessor::manipulateRequest()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Heartbeat\Tracker\PingRequestProcessor::manipulateRequest()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Tracker\VisitRequestProcessor::processRequestParams()...
DEBUG: DoNotTrack header not found
DEBUG: Matching visitors with: visitorId=1db1ff046f15737f OR configId=5c6948980cd42fd4
DEBUG: The visitor was not matched with an existing visitor...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Actions\Tracker\ActionsRequestProcessor::processRequestParams()...
DEBUG: (this is not a Site Search request)
DEBUG: Excluding parameters "fepaction,gclid,fb_xd_fragment,fb_comment_id,phpsessid,jsessionid,sessionid,aspsessionid,doing_wp_cron,sid,pk_vid,pk_cpn,pk_campaign,piwik_campaign,utm_campaign,utm_source,utm_medium,pk_kwd,pk_keyword,piwik_kwd,utm_term" from URL
DEBUG: Action is a PAGE_URL,
DEBUG:                 Action name =  My Sites News – mydomain,
DEBUG:                 Action URL =
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Goals\Tracker\GoalsRequestProcessor::processRequestParams()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\SitesManager\Tracker\SitesManagerRequestProcessor::processRequestParams()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\PrivacyManager\Tracker\RequestProcessor::processRequestParams()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Heartbeat\Tracker\PingRequestProcessor::processRequestParams()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Tracker\VisitRequestProcessor::afterRequestProcessed()...
DEBUG: Visitor IP (was: has been anonymized:
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Actions\Tracker\ActionsRequestProcessor::afterRequestProcessed()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Goals\Tracker\GoalsRequestProcessor::afterRequestProcessed()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\SitesManager\Tracker\SitesManagerRequestProcessor::afterRequestProcessed()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\PrivacyManager\Tracker\RequestProcessor::afterRequestProcessed()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Heartbeat\Tracker\PingRequestProcessor::afterRequestProcessed()...
DEBUG: New Visit (IP =
DEBUG: Following dimensions have been collected from plugins: idsite, user_id, visit_first_action_time, visit_first_action_time, visit_goal_buyer, visit_goal_converted, idvisit, location_ip, visit_last_action_time, visit_last_action_time, visit_last_action_time, visit_last_action_time, visit_last_action_time, visit_last_action_time, visit_last_action_time, visit_last_action_time, visit_last_action_time, visit_last_action_time, visit_last_action_time, visitor_days_since_first, visitor_days_since_order, idvisitor, visitor_returning, visitor_count_visits, visit_entry_idaction_name, visit_entry_idaction_url, visit_exit_idaction_name, visit_exit_idaction_url, visit_total_actions, visit_total_interactions, visit_total_searches, , referer_keyword, referer_name, referer_type, referer_url, , location_browser_lang, config_browser_engine, config_browser_name, config_browser_version, config_device_brand, config_device_model, config_device_type, config_os, config_os_version, visitor_localtime, visitor_localtime, visitor_days_since_last, config_resolution, config_cookie, config_director, config_flash, config_gears, config_java, config_pdf, config_quicktime, config_realplayer, config_silverlight, config_windowsmedia, , visit_total_time, location_city, location_country, location_latitude, location_longitude, location_provider, location_region, location_provider
DEBUG: GEO: Found IP location (provider 'geoip_php'): array (
DEBUG:   'country_code' => 'US',
DEBUG:   'region_code' => 'xx',
DEBUG:   'city_name' => 'Los Angeles',
DEBUG:   'area_code' => xxx,
DEBUG:   'lat' => xx.058,
DEBUG:   'long' => -xxx.278,
DEBUG:   'postal_code' => 'xxxxxx',
DEBUG:   'continent_code' => 'amn',
DEBUG:   'continent_name' => 'Intl_Continent_amn',
DEBUG:   'country_name' => 'Unknown',
DEBUG:   'region_name' => 'California',
DEBUG: array (
DEBUG:   'idvisitor' => '1db1ff046f15737f',
DEBUG:   'config_id' => '5c6948980cd42fd4',
DEBUG:   'location_ip' => '',
DEBUG:   'idsite' => 1,
DEBUG:   'visit_first_action_time' => '2018-09-05 19:48:42',
DEBUG:   'visit_goal_buyer' => 0,
DEBUG:   'visit_goal_converted' => 0,
DEBUG:   'visit_last_action_time' => '2018-09-05 19:48:42',
DEBUG:   'visitor_days_since_first' => '0',
DEBUG:   'visitor_days_since_order' => 0,
DEBUG:   'visitor_returning' => 0,
DEBUG:   'visitor_count_visits' => 1,
DEBUG:   'visit_entry_idaction_name' => 7828,
DEBUG:   'visit_entry_idaction_url' => 1318,
DEBUG:   'visit_exit_idaction_name' => 7828,
DEBUG:   'visit_exit_idaction_url' => 1318,
DEBUG:   'visit_total_actions' => 1,
DEBUG:   'visit_total_interactions' => 1,
DEBUG:   'visit_total_searches' => 0,
DEBUG:   'referer_keyword' => NULL,
DEBUG:   'referer_name' => NULL,
DEBUG:   'referer_type' => 1,
DEBUG:   'referer_url' => '',
DEBUG:   'location_browser_lang' => '',
DEBUG:   'config_browser_engine' => '',
DEBUG:   'config_browser_name' => 'UNK',
DEBUG:   'config_browser_version' => '7.38',
DEBUG:   'config_device_brand' => '',
DEBUG:   'config_device_model' => '',
DEBUG:   'config_device_type' => NULL,
DEBUG:   'config_os' => 'UNK',
DEBUG:   'config_os_version' => 'UNK',
DEBUG:   'visitor_localtime' => '12:44:38',
DEBUG:   'visitor_days_since_last' => '0',
DEBUG:   'config_resolution' => '1920x1080',
DEBUG:   'config_cookie' => 1,
DEBUG:   'config_director' => 0,
DEBUG:   'config_flash' => 0,
DEBUG:   'config_gears' => 0,
DEBUG:   'config_java' => 0,
DEBUG:   'config_pdf' => 1,
DEBUG:   'config_quicktime' => 0,
DEBUG:   'config_realplayer' => 0,
DEBUG:   'config_silverlight' => 0,
DEBUG:   'config_windowsmedia' => 0,
DEBUG:   'visit_total_time' => 0,
DEBUG:   'location_city' => 'Los Angeles',
DEBUG:   'location_country' => 'us',
DEBUG:   'location_latitude' => 'xx.058',
DEBUG:   'location_longitude' => '-xxx.278',
DEBUG:   'location_region' => 'CA',
DEBUG:   'location_provider' => 'Ip',
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Tracker\VisitRequestProcessor::recordLogs()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Actions\Tracker\ActionsRequestProcessor::recordLogs()...
DEBUG: Inserted new action:
DEBUG: array (
DEBUG:   'idvisit' => 0,
DEBUG:   'idsite' => 1,
DEBUG:   'idvisitor' => '1db1ff046f15737f',
DEBUG:   'idaction_url' => '1318',
DEBUG:   'idaction_url_ref' => 0,
DEBUG:   'idaction_name_ref' => 0,
DEBUG:   'server_time' => '2018-09-05 19:48:42',
DEBUG:   'idpageview' => 'ZBlvWR',
DEBUG:   'interaction_position' => 1,
DEBUG:   'time_spent_ref_action' => 0,
DEBUG:   'idaction_name' => '7828',
DEBUG:   'custom_float' => '505',
DEBUG:   'idlink_va' => 283774,
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Goals\Tracker\GoalsRequestProcessor::recordLogs()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\SitesManager\Tracker\SitesManagerRequestProcessor::recordLogs()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\PrivacyManager\Tracker\RequestProcessor::recordLogs()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Heartbeat\Tracker\PingRequestProcessor::recordLogs()...
DEBUG: -> Scheduled tasks not running in Tracker: Browser archiving is disabled.
DEBUG: Nothing to notice => default behaviour
DEBUG: End of the page.
DEBUG: <hr /><strong>Breakdown by query</strong><br/>Executed <b>4</b> times in <b>1.6ms</b>  (average = <b>0.4ms</b>) <pre>	connect</pre>Executed <b>4</b> times in <b>0.4ms</b>  (average = <b>0.1ms</b>) <pre>	SELECT MIN(idaction) as idaction, type, name FROM piwik_log_action WHERE ( hash = CRC32('My Sites News – mydomain') AND name = 'My Sites News – mydomain' AND type = '4' ) OR ( hash = CRC32('') AND name = '' AND type = '1' ) GROUP BY type, hash, name</pre>
DEBUG: array (
DEBUG: Time elapsed: 0.038s

I reverted the database and files to a time where tracking was working.
However, still nothing is being tracked at all.
It’s not working over about 10 sites and I’m really not sure what the next step is

I don’t see any errors in the debug output that I could use to followup on.
Any advice?

I hate to bump my issue, but this continues to affect me.
I have no idea what to do next. It’s been running fine for years until about a month ago

Data seems to be tracked correctly. Perhaps archiving is somehow not triggered correctly. Do you have recent data in the visitor log report?

No recent data. At least since Aug 28th (across all websites)

Recent data log showing no results

I run archiving with cron every 30 min

/usr/bin/php /var/www/foobar/console core:archive --url=my.domain.tld
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  ---------------------------
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  INIT
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  Running Matomo 3.6.0 as Super User
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  ---------------------------
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  NOTES
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  - Reports for today will be processed at most every 800 seconds. You can change this value in Matomo UI > Settings > General Settings.
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  - Reports for the current week/month/year will be requested at most every 3600 seconds.
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  - Archiving was last executed without error 25 min 49s ago
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  ---------------------------
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  START
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  Starting Matomo reports archiving...
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  - no new tracking data for website id 1 since 2018-10-08 13:30:03 UTC (since the last successful archiving)
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  Skipped website id 1 as archiving is not needed
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  - no new tracking data for website id 2 since 2018-10-08 13:30:03 UTC (since the last successful archiving)
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  Skipped website id 2 as archiving is not needed
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  - no new tracking data for website id 3 since 2018-10-08 13:30:03 UTC (since the last successful archiving)
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  Skipped website id 3 as archiving is not needed
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  - no new tracking data for website id 4 since 2018-10-08 13:30:03 UTC (since the last successful archiving)
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  Skipped website id 4 as archiving is not needed
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  - no new tracking data for website id 6 since 2018-10-08 13:30:03 UTC (since the last successful archiving)
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  Skipped website id 6 as archiving is not needed
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  - no new tracking data for website id 8 since 2018-10-08 13:30:03 UTC (since the last successful archiving)
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  Skipped website id 8 as archiving is not needed
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  - no new tracking data for website id 9 since 2018-10-08 13:30:03 UTC (since the last successful archiving)
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  Skipped website id 9 as archiving is not needed 
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  - no new tracking data for website id 10 since 2018-10-08 13:30:03 UTC (since the last successful archiving)
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  Skipped website id 10 as archiving is not needed
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  Done archiving!
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  ---------------------------
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  SUMMARY
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  Total visits for today across archived websites: 0
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  Archived today's reports for 0 websites
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  Archived week/month/year for 0 websites
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  Skipped 8 websites
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  - 8 skipped because no new visit since the last script execution
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  - 0 skipped because existing daily reports are less than 800 seconds old
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  - 0 skipped because existing week/month/year periods reports are less than 3600 seconds old
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  Total API requests: 0
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  done: 0/8 0%, 0 vtoday, 0 wtoday, 0 wperiods, 0 req, 330 ms, no error
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  Time elapsed: 0.330s
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  ---------------------------
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  SCHEDULED TASKS
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  Starting Scheduled tasks... 
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  done
INFO [2018-10-08 13:55:52] 5312  ---------------------------


Would it be possible, that you send me a private message with the link to the website where Matomo is tracked? Maybe we are overlooking something obvious.

Certainly. I don’t know how to PM but I will look that up soon.
Are you requesting the url where Matoma is hosted, or one of the sites it is tracking?
For additional information during that time, by my check I have…

6 sites using wordpress piwik (matomo) plugin

and 2 sites using a Flarum (a forum) extension called Analytics

Hi @Koo1,

PMs were disabled, but should now work (click on my profile picture).
I would like to know the URL of one of the sites that are tracked.

Have you been able to find a resolution for this problem? We are on version 2.17.1 and we have the same symptoms. The piwik.php file is called, debug information doesn’t show anything wrong and the archiving is running on a cron. At a glance everything seems to work properly and piwik doesn’t report any problems.

The weird thing is that the debug log shows the queries been run and interact with some piwik tables and they do in fact get updated. The only table that the documentation says to watch for is piwik_log_visit and this table hasn’t been updated since October 29th on our side.

No it was never resolved. I installed a brand new install as well and nothing was fixed.
One of my users ultimately went to Google Analytics.

If you still can, have a look in the log_visit and log_link_visit_action table whether the request was recorded or not. It looks like it is. In this case double check idSites, archiving, etc.

for the last recorded visit in log_visit (which matches the visitor log)
2018-08-28 16:41:03

log_link_visit_action still seems to be triggered interestingly.
2018-11-15 19:44:13

The idSite is correct (I’ve checked at least a dozen times and just now again)
How would I check archiving?

I run archiving with cron every 30 min
Archiving was last executed without error 25 min 49s ago

I posted this above, the output showed (I believe) that it is being run

In this case double check … etc.

I’ve already checked

Is there more things to check?

Sorry you’re having this issue. Hopefully we can find the solution.

What i’m guessing is the log_visit table may be somehow corrupt.

But still it’s strange that Matomo doesn’t return the error (maybe MySQL doesn’t return an error but hard to believe).

  • Which DB Driver do you use (PDO or MYSQLI?)?
  • do you still have this problem in Matomo 3.7.0?
  • can you try apply this patch (below)
    and then generate another debug tracker request.
    and then see if you get any warnings logged after Show warnings?

-> To make sure we will follow up and get to the bottom of this issue, could you please reply here instead: Visits not inserted in log_visit and no errors triggered (unknown reason) · Issue #13755 · matomo-org/matomo · GitHub

Index: core/Profiler.php
IDEA additional info:
Subsystem: com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.CharsetEP
--- core/Profiler.php	(revision ece58165deb14196662a16175f56b27688fcf985)
+++ core/Profiler.php	(date 1542961346000)
@@ -177,6 +177,8 @@
     private static function getSqlProfilingQueryBreakdownOutput($infoIndexedByQuery)
+        Log::debug("Show warnings (SQL):");
+        Log::debug(var_export(Db::get()->fetchAll("SHOW WARNINGS"), true));
         $output = '<hr /><strong>Breakdown by query</strong><br/>';
         foreach ($infoIndexedByQuery as $query => $queryInfo) {
             $timeMs = round($queryInfo['sumTimeMs'], 1);

I will post this in the issue as well

Which DB Driver do you use (PDO or MYSQLI?)?

adapter = “MYSQLI”

Yes it is still occurring in 3.7.0.

With your patch I did not see any errors after specifically “Show warnings (SQL)” but here is the result

DEBUG: Debug enabled - Input parameters:
DEBUG: array (
DEBUG:   'action_name' => '',
DEBUG:   'idsite' => '1',
DEBUG:   'rec' => '1',
DEBUG:   'r' => '158468',
DEBUG:   'h' => '19',
DEBUG:   'm' => '9',
DEBUG:   's' => '18',
DEBUG:   'url' => '',
DEBUG:   '_id' => '60b9440dabe74582',
DEBUG:   '_idts' => '1543028958',
DEBUG:   '_idvc' => '1',
DEBUG:   '_idn' => '0',
DEBUG:   '_refts' => '0',
DEBUG:   '_viewts' => '1543028958',
DEBUG:   'cs' => 'windows-1252',
DEBUG:   'send_image' => '1',
DEBUG:   'pdf' => '0',
DEBUG:   'qt' => '0',
DEBUG:   'realp' => '0',
DEBUG:   'wma' => '0',
DEBUG:   'dir' => '0',
DEBUG:   'fla' => '1',
DEBUG:   'java' => '0',
DEBUG:   'gears' => '0',
DEBUG:   'ag' => '0',
DEBUG:   'cookie' => '1',
DEBUG:   'res' => '1920x1080',
DEBUG:   'gt_ms' => '48',
DEBUG:   'pv_id' => 'Xs27md',
DEBUG: Current datetime: 2018-11-24 03:10:05
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Tracker\VisitRequestProcessor::manipulateRequest()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\IntranetMeasurable\Tracker\RequestProcessor::manipulateRequest()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Actions\Tracker\ActionsRequestProcessor::manipulateRequest()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Goals\Tracker\GoalsRequestProcessor::manipulateRequest()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\SitesManager\Tracker\SitesManagerRequestProcessor::manipulateRequest()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\PrivacyManager\Tracker\RequestProcessor::manipulateRequest()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Heartbeat\Tracker\PingRequestProcessor::manipulateRequest()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Tracker\VisitRequestProcessor::processRequestParams()...
DEBUG: DoNotTrack header not found
DEBUG: Matching visitors with: visitorId=60b9440dabe74582 OR configId=e8649634bc0fc22b
DEBUG: The visitor was not matched with an existing visitor...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\IntranetMeasurable\Tracker\RequestProcessor::processRequestParams()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Actions\Tracker\ActionsRequestProcessor::processRequestParams()...
DEBUG: (this is not a Site Search request)
DEBUG: Excluding parameters "fepaction,gclid,fb_xd_fragment,fb_comment_id,phpsessid,jsessionid,sessionid,aspsessionid,doing_wp_cron,sid,pk_vid,pk_cpn,pk_campaign,piwik_campaign,utm_campaign,utm_source,utm_medium,pk_kwd,pk_keyword,piwik_kwd,utm_term" from URL
DEBUG: Action is a PAGE_URL,
DEBUG:                 Action name =  ,
DEBUG:                 Action URL =
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Goals\Tracker\GoalsRequestProcessor::processRequestParams()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\SitesManager\Tracker\SitesManagerRequestProcessor::processRequestParams()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\PrivacyManager\Tracker\RequestProcessor::processRequestParams()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Heartbeat\Tracker\PingRequestProcessor::processRequestParams()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Tracker\VisitRequestProcessor::afterRequestProcessed()...
DEBUG: Visitor IP (was: has been anonymized:
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\IntranetMeasurable\Tracker\RequestProcessor::afterRequestProcessed()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Actions\Tracker\ActionsRequestProcessor::afterRequestProcessed()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Goals\Tracker\GoalsRequestProcessor::afterRequestProcessed()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\SitesManager\Tracker\SitesManagerRequestProcessor::afterRequestProcessed()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\PrivacyManager\Tracker\RequestProcessor::afterRequestProcessed()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Heartbeat\Tracker\PingRequestProcessor::afterRequestProcessed()...
DEBUG: New Visit (IP =
DEBUG: Following dimensions have been collected from plugins: idsite, user_id, visit_first_action_time, visit_first_action_time, visit_goal_buyer, visit_goal_converted, idvisit, location_ip, visit_last_action_time, visit_last_action_time, visit_last_action_time, visit_last_action_time, visit_last_action_time, visit_last_action_time, visit_last_action_time, visit_last_action_time, visit_last_action_time, visit_last_action_time, visit_last_action_time, visitor_days_since_first, visitor_days_since_order, idvisitor, visitor_returning, visitor_count_visits, visit_entry_idaction_name, visit_entry_idaction_url, visit_exit_idaction_name, visit_exit_idaction_url, visit_total_actions, visit_total_interactions, visit_total_searches, , referer_keyword, referer_name, referer_type, referer_url, , location_browser_lang, config_browser_engine, config_browser_name, config_browser_version, config_device_brand, config_device_model, config_device_type, config_os, config_os_version, visitor_localtime, visitor_localtime, visitor_days_since_last, config_resolution, config_cookie, config_director, config_flash, config_gears, config_java, config_pdf, config_quicktime, config_realplayer, config_silverlight, config_windowsmedia, , visit_total_time, location_city, location_country, location_latitude, location_longitude, location_provider, location_region, location_provider
DEBUG: GEO: Found IP location (provider 'geoip_php'): array (
DEBUG:   'country_code' => 'US',
DEBUG:   'region_code' => 'CA',
DEBUG:   'city_name' => 'Los Angeles',
DEBUG:   'area_code' => 213,
DEBUG:   'lat' => xx.058,
DEBUG:   'long' => -xx.27800000000001,
DEBUG:   'postal_code' => '90017',
DEBUG:   'continent_code' => 'amn',
DEBUG:   'continent_name' => 'Intl_Continent_amn',
DEBUG:   'country_name' => 'Unknown',
DEBUG:   'region_name' => 'California',
DEBUG: array (
DEBUG:   'idvisitor' => '60b9440dabe74582',
DEBUG:   'config_id' => 'e8649634bc0fc22b',
DEBUG:   'location_ip' => '',
DEBUG:   'idsite' => 1,
DEBUG:   'visit_first_action_time' => '2018-11-24 03:10:05',
DEBUG:   'visit_goal_buyer' => 0,
DEBUG:   'visit_goal_converted' => 0,
DEBUG:   'visit_last_action_time' => '2018-11-24 03:10:05',
DEBUG:   'visitor_days_since_first' => '0',
DEBUG:   'visitor_days_since_order' => 0,
DEBUG:   'visitor_returning' => 0,
DEBUG:   'visitor_count_visits' => 1,
DEBUG:   'visit_entry_idaction_name' => 0,
DEBUG:   'visit_entry_idaction_url' => 440,
DEBUG:   'visit_exit_idaction_name' => 0,
DEBUG:   'visit_exit_idaction_url' => 440,
DEBUG:   'visit_total_actions' => 1,
DEBUG:   'visit_total_interactions' => 1,
DEBUG:   'visit_total_searches' => 0,
DEBUG:   'referer_keyword' => NULL,
DEBUG:   'referer_name' => NULL,
DEBUG:   'referer_type' => 1,
DEBUG:   'referer_url' => '',
DEBUG:   'location_browser_lang' => 'en-us',
DEBUG:   'config_browser_engine' => 'Gecko',
DEBUG:   'config_browser_name' => 'FF',
DEBUG:   'config_browser_version' => '63.0',
DEBUG:   'config_device_brand' => '',
DEBUG:   'config_device_model' => 'generic desktop',
DEBUG:   'config_device_type' => 0,
DEBUG:   'config_os' => 'UBT',
DEBUG:   'config_os_version' => '',
DEBUG:   'visitor_localtime' => '19:09:18',
DEBUG:   'visitor_days_since_last' => '0',
DEBUG:   'config_resolution' => '1920x1080',
DEBUG:   'config_cookie' => 1,
DEBUG:   'config_director' => 0,
DEBUG:   'config_flash' => 1,
DEBUG:   'config_gears' => 0,
DEBUG:   'config_java' => 0,
DEBUG:   'config_pdf' => 0,
DEBUG:   'config_quicktime' => 0,
DEBUG:   'config_realplayer' => 0,
DEBUG:   'config_silverlight' => 0,
DEBUG:   'config_windowsmedia' => 0,
DEBUG:   'visit_total_time' => 0,
DEBUG:   'location_city' => 'Los Angeles',
DEBUG:   'location_country' => 'us',
DEBUG:   'location_latitude' => '34.058',
DEBUG:   'location_longitude' => '-118.278',
DEBUG:   'location_region' => 'CA',
DEBUG:   'location_provider' => 'Ip',
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Tracker\VisitRequestProcessor::recordLogs()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\IntranetMeasurable\Tracker\RequestProcessor::recordLogs()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Actions\Tracker\ActionsRequestProcessor::recordLogs()...
DEBUG: Inserted new action:
DEBUG: array (
DEBUG:   'idvisit' => 0,
DEBUG:   'idsite' => 1,
DEBUG:   'idvisitor' => '60b9440dabe74582',
DEBUG:   'idaction_url' => '440',
DEBUG:   'idaction_url_ref' => 0,
DEBUG:   'idaction_name_ref' => 0,
DEBUG:   'server_time' => '2018-11-24 03:10:05',
DEBUG:   'idpageview' => 'Xs27md',
DEBUG:   'interaction_position' => 1,
DEBUG:   'time_spent_ref_action' => 0,
DEBUG:   'idaction_name' => 0,
DEBUG:   'custom_float' => '48',
DEBUG:   'idlink_va' => 316964,
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Goals\Tracker\GoalsRequestProcessor::recordLogs()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\SitesManager\Tracker\SitesManagerRequestProcessor::recordLogs()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\PrivacyManager\Tracker\RequestProcessor::recordLogs()...
DEBUG: Executing Piwik\Plugins\Heartbeat\Tracker\PingRequestProcessor::recordLogs()...
DEBUG: -> Scheduled tasks not running in Tracker: Browser archiving is disabled.
DEBUG: Nothing to notice => default behaviour
DEBUG: End of the page.
DEBUG: Show warnings (SQL):
DEBUG: array (
DEBUG: <hr /><strong>Breakdown by query</strong><br/>Executed <b>9</b> times in <b>3.1ms</b>  (average = <b>0.3ms</b>) <pre>  connect</pre>Executed <b>4</b> times in <b>2.4ms</b>  (average = <b>0.6ms</b>) <pre>  SELECT option_value, option_name FROM `piwik_option` WHERE autoload = 1</pre>Executed <b>1</b> time in <b>0.8ms</b>  <pre>  SELECT MIN(idaction) as idaction, type, name FROM piwik_log_action WHERE ( hash = CRC32('') AND name = '' AND type = '1' ) GROUP BY type, hash, name</pre>Executed <b>1</b> time in <b>0.8ms</b>  <pre> SELECT MIN(idaction) as idaction, type, name FROM piwik_log_action WHERE ( hash = CRC32('2015 Kindle Paperwhite - LED Strain') AND name = '2015 Kindle Paperwhite - LED Strain' AND type = '4' ) OR ( hash = CRC32('') AND name = '' AND type = '1' ) GROUP BY type, hash, name</pre>Executed <b>1</b> time in <b>0.8ms</b>  <pre>  SELECT option_value FROM `piwik_option` WHERE option_name = 'SearchEngineDefinitions'</pre>Executed <b>1</b> time in <b>0.8ms</b>  <pre>  SHOW COLUMNS FROM `piwik_log_visit`</pre>Executed <b>1</b> time in <b>0.7ms</b>  <pre>  SELECT MIN(idaction) as idaction, type, name FROM piwik_log_action WHERE ( hash = CRC32('Agency Complaints – Global Adoption News') AND name = 'Agency Complaints – Global Adoption News' AND type = '4' ) OR ( hash = CRC32('') AND name = '' AND type = '1' ) GROUP BY type, hash, name</pre>Executed <b>1</b> time in <b>0.7ms</b>  <pre>  SHOW COLUMNS FROM `piwik_log_link_visit_action`</pre>Executed <b>2</b> times in <b>0.6ms</b>  (average = <b>0.3ms</b>) <pre>  SELECT option_name, option_value FROM `piwik_option` WHERE option_name LIKE 'report_to_invalidate_1_2018-11-23%'</pre>Executed <b>1</b> time in <b>0.6ms</b>  <pre> SHOW COLUMNS FROM `piwik_log_conversion`</pre>Executed <b>2</b> times in <b>0.6ms</b>  (average = <b>0.3ms</b>) <pre> SELECT url FROM piwik_site_url WHERE idsite = '4'</pre>Executed <b>1</b> time in <b>0.6ms</b>  <pre>  INSERT INTO `piwik_option` (option_name, option_value, autoload) VALUES ('report_to_invalidate_4_2018-11-23_2593', '1', '0') </pre>Executed <b>1</b> time in <b>0.5ms</b>  <pre>  INSERT INTO `piwik_option` (option_name, option_value, autoload) VALUES ('report_to_invalidate_1_2018-11-23_4830', '1', '0') </pre>Executed <b>4</b> times in <b>0.5ms</b>  (average = <b>0.1ms</b>) <pre>  SELECT option_value FROM `piwik_option` WHERE option_name = 'SitesManager_SearchCategoryParameters'</pre>Executed <b>4</b> times in <b>0.5ms</b>  (average = <b>0.1ms</b>) <pre>  SELECT option_value FROM `piwik_option` WHERE option_name = 'SitesManager_ExcludedUserAgentsGlobal'</pre>Executed <b>4</b> times in <b>0.5ms</b>  (average = <b>0.1ms</b>) <pre>  SELECT option_value FROM `piwik_option` WHERE option_name = 'SitesManager_SearchKeywordParameters'</pre>Executed <b>4</b> times in <b>0.5ms</b>  (average = <b>0.1ms</b>) <pre> SELECT option_value FROM `piwik_option` WHERE option_name = 'SitesManager_ExcludedIpsGlobal'</pre>Executed <b>4</b> times in <b>0.5ms</b>  (average = <b>0.1ms</b>) <pre> SELECT option_value FROM `piwik_option` WHERE option_name = 'SitesManager_KeepURLFragmentsGlobal'</pre>Executed <b>4</b> times in <b>0.4ms</b>  (average = <b>0.1ms</b>) <pre>  SELECT option_value FROM `piwik_option` WHERE option_name = 'SitesManager_ExcludedQueryParameters'</pre>Executed <b>4</b> times in <b>0.4ms</b>  (average = <b>0.1ms</b>) <pre> SELECT option_value FROM `piwik_option` WHERE option_name = 'SitesManager_EnableSiteSpecificUserAgentExclude'</pre>Executed <b>4</b> times in <b>0.4ms</b>  (average = <b>0.1ms</b>) <pre>  SELECT MIN(idaction) as idaction, type, name FROM piwik_log_action WHERE ( hash = CRC32('Global Adoption News – Adoptionland') AND name = 'Global Adoption News – Adoptionland' AND type = '4' ) OR ( hash = CRC32('') AND name = '' AND type = '1' ) GROUP BY type, hash, name</pre>Executed <b>2</b> times in <b>0.4ms</b>  (average = <b>0.2ms</b>) <pre>  SELECT * FROM piwik_goal WHERE idsite IN (1) AND deleted = 0</pre>Executed <b>4</b> times in <b>0.3ms</b>  (average = <b>0.1ms</b>) <pre> SELECT * FROM piwik_site WHERE idsite = '1'</pre>Executed <b>2</b> times in <b>0.3ms</b>  (average = <b>0.2ms</b>) <pre>  UPDATE `piwik_option` SET option_value = '1', autoload = '0' WHERE option_name = 'report_to_invalidate_4_2018-11-23_2593'</pre>Executed <b>1</b> time in <b>0.3ms</b>  <pre>  SELECT option_value FROM `piwik_option` WHERE option_name = 'lastTrackerCronRun'</pre>Executed <b>1</b> time in <b>0.3ms</b>  <pre> SELECT option_name, option_value FROM `piwik_option` WHERE option_name LIKE 'report_to_invalidate_4_2018-11-23%'</pre>Executed <b>2</b> times in <b>0.3ms</b>  (average = <b>0.2ms</b>) <pre> SELECT * FROM piwik_goal WHERE idsite IN (4) AND deleted = 0</pre>Executed <b>1</b> time in <b>0.3ms</b>  <pre> SELECT option_value FROM `piwik_option` WHERE option_name = 'usercountry.location_provider'</pre>Executed <b>4</b> times in <b>0.2ms</b>  (average = <b>0.1ms</b>) <pre>  SELECT * FROM piwik_site WHERE idsite = '4'</pre>Executed <b>1</b> time in <b>0.2ms</b>  <pre>SELECT option_value FROM `piwik_option` WHERE option_name = 'PrivacyManager.useAnonymizedIpForVisitEnrichment'</pre>Executed <b>2</b> times in <b>0.2ms</b>  (average = <b>0.1ms</b>) <pre> SELECT login FROM piwik_access WHERE idsite = '1' AND access = 'admin'</pre>Executed <b>1</b> time in <b>0.2ms</b>  <pre> SELECT option_value FROM `piwik_option` WHERE option_name = 'PrivacyManager.ipAnonymizerEnabled'</pre>Executed <b>1</b> time in <b>0.2ms</b>  <pre> SELECT option_value FROM `piwik_option` WHERE option_name = 'PrivacyManager.ipAddressMaskLength'</pre>Executed <b>1</b> time in <b>0.1ms</b>  <pre> SELECT option_value FROM `piwik_option` WHERE option_name = 'PrivacyManager.anonymizeUserId'</pre>Executed <b>2</b> times in <b>0.1ms</b>  (average = <b>0.1ms</b>) <pre> SELECT url FROM piwik_site_url WHERE idsite = '1'</pre>Executed <b>1</b> time in <b>0.1ms</b>  <pre>  SELECT option_value FROM `piwik_option` WHERE option_name = 'PrivacyManager.doNotTrackEnabled'</pre>Executed <b>1</b> time in <b>0.1ms</b>  <pre> SELECT option_value FROM `piwik_option` WHERE option_name = 'PrivacyManager.anonymizeOrderId'</pre>Executed <b>2</b> times in <b>0.1ms</b>  (average = <b>0.1ms</b>) <pre>  SELECT login FROM piwik_access WHERE idsite = '1' AND access = 'write'</pre>Executed <b>2</b> times in <b>0.1ms</b>  (average = <b>0.1ms</b>) <pre> SELECT login FROM piwik_access WHERE idsite = '4' AND access = 'admin'</pre>Executed <b>2</b> times in <b>0.1ms</b>  (average = <b>0.1ms</b>) <pre> SELECT * FROM piwik_user WHERE login IN ('applefire') ORDER BY login ASC</pre>Executed <b>2</b> times in <b>0.1ms</b>  (average = <b>0.1ms</b>) <pre> SELECT login FROM piwik_access WHERE idsite = '4' AND access = 'write'</pre>
DEBUG: array (
DEBUG:   'PIWIK_SESSID' => 'c8pmgd1b3p6qoq2j6jhsak6f43',
DEBUG: Time elapsed: 0.076s