No Download in Piwik from TYPO3 PDF


I have a PHP - script in a TYPO3 installation set generates PDF documents. The link is call to a PHP -File with GET-Parameters. I use a onclick-Event on the link to track the download of the generated PDF-File.

My onclick Event is

var trackThisUrl = '/fileadmin/download/pdffiles/gernerateddocument.pdf';
_paq.push(["setCustomUrl", trackThisUrl);

The call is tracked but it is not shown in Downloads.

I have allready set
_paq.push([“setLinkTrackingTimer”, 750); and _paq.push([“enableLinkTracking”]);

What is missing to see this files in download?

Thanks Atti


I have a PHP - script in a TYPO3 installation set generates PDF documents. The link is call to a PHP -File with GET-Parameters. I use a onclick-Event on the link to track the download of the generated PDF-File.

My onclick Event is

var trackThisUrl = '/fileadmin/download/pdffiles/gernerateddocument.pdf';
_paq.push(["setCustomUrl", trackThisUrl);

The call is tracked but it is not shown in Downloads.

I have allready set
_paq.push([“setLinkTrackingTimer”, 750); and _paq.push([“enableLinkTracking”]);

What is missing to see this files in download?

Thanks Atti[/quote]

The same Happen to me.
What is this?

Downloads are tracked automacically from the

See also: