No datas, no errors, not working

I succefuly installed piwik on a local and a server website.

i included the script on my front controller by differents ways, and next i tryed to put the direct path instead of the "pkBaseUrl "

no errors, no datas, and script is loaded, i realy don’t get it.

Can you help me ?

maybe forgot i a step ?

there, is the display of the database : Table...............EnregistrementsTip ............... Size piwik_access ............................ 0...............1,0 Kio - piwik_archive_blob_2009_01...........0...............1,0 Kio - piwik_archive_numeric_2009_01..... 6...............5,2 Kio - piwik_goal ...............................0 ...............1,0 Kio - piwik_logger_api_call..................0 ...............1,0 Kio - piwik_logger_error......................0...............1,0 Kio - piwik_logger_exception............... 0 ...............1,0 Kio - piwik_logger_message................. 0...............1,0 Kio - piwik_log_action ....................... 9 ...............3,3 Kio -
piwik_log_conversion ..................0 ...............1,0 Kio - piwik_log_link_visit_action............36...............3,7 Kio - piwik_log_profiling ......................0 ...............1,0 Kio - piwik_log_visit........................... 4 ...............3,7 Kio - piwik_option..............................29...............3,0 Kio - piwik_site..................................1...............2,0 Kio - piwik_site_url.............................0...............1,0 Kio - piwik_user..................................1...............3,1 Kio - piwik_user_dashboard ................. 1 ...............2,3 Kio - piwik_user_language.....................0...............1,0 Kio - 19 table(s) Somme 87 MyISAM latin1_swedish_ci 37,3 Kio 0 o

I know this might sound stupid, but make sure you are looking at today’s data. it is defaulted to look at yesterday’s data. this threw me the first time as well.

<!-- Piwik -->
<a href="" title="Web analytics" onclick=";return(false);">
<script type="text/javascript">
var pkBaseURL = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "" : "");
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + pkBaseURL + "piwik.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
</script><script type="text/javascript">
piwik_action_name = '';
piwik_idsite = 1;
piwik_url = pkBaseURL + "piwik.php";
piwik_log(piwik_action_name, piwik_idsite, piwik_url);
<object><noscript><p>Web analytics <img src="" style="border:0" alt=""/></p></noscript></object></a>
<!-- End Piwik Tag -->

I started having the same problem. Yes I am looking at today. I was collecting data as of mid december, expanded paes, now no data. The above code is what I pasted into my site

sorry i forgot to answer,
i resolved my problem, maybe it was linked with the fact i modified the directory order (i putted config out of the folder “piwik” and changed the path of tmp files) …
but now it works.