No data in new installation

My piwik installation isn’t logging any data - nothing is being recorded in the DB for

When I use the noscript link it is recording a hit and I am seeing calls that look correct in the logs of the server

Any thoughts on where I could check next?

Same problem here. And it seems another user posted a similar problem yesterday (301 Moved Permanently).

Sorry this was an implementation issue - fixed now

It would be nice if you would share what was the solution in your case, who knows, this might help all of us who just can’t make it work.

apologies - the solution is somewhat specific to our environment due to its nature.

When putting the codes on our sites we removed the script tag because the tool we are using puts them in automatically. However, due to this the second script tag wasn’t working

I simply enclosed the second tag set inside an anonymous fucntion call and it fixed the problem:
return function() { TRACKING CALLS HERE}

We saw requests coming to the server but it turns out they were only for the javascript file not the php file. I noticed this when watching the HTTP request traffic coming from the site - the call for piwik.php was absent.