No admin access to update to Piwik 2.5.0

When I log in to my account to view our Piwik stats, I see the following in the upper right of the screen…


When I mouseover this I receive…

Piwik 2.5.0 is available. Please notify the Piwik administrator.

​When I attempt to notify the Piwik administrator (which should be me), my Gmail automatically creates a new message that will get sent to the person who originally set things up, but passed control over to me a number of years ago.

How do I change it so I can become the new administrator?

Thank you.


Please see: How do I change the Super User's password when password recovery emails are not sent? - Analytics Platform - Matomo
You should reset admin password to get access to his account.

Hi Michal,

Thanks, but this is part of my problem. I am neither the Admin or the Super User, so I cannot rest the Admin password.



ask the current super user to give you super user access,

or alternatively connect to the database and in the table piwik_user change the superuser column to 1 for your user.