New password

Hi !
Sorry for my poor english, but I’m french !
Because of a Trojan (JS:Illredir-AD) I had to restore piwik on my ftp server and I changed the wordpass (login) of my ftp access.
Have I to change anything in Piwik ?

my website :

Thanks !

I would change the database password and the user passwords.

Thanks, but I did not change the database password.
Which user password are you talking about ?
I changed my FTP access password but not the Piwik one. (Piwik seems to work fine !)
If I have to change something, how and in which file have I to do it ?

You had a trojan on your system! Do you know, what this program did? I don´t, so I would change all passwords. Maybe the trojan has sent your database password to a hacker.

But what a hacker can do with my database ?
There are only piwik statistics in it.
But I can change it. If I do, have I to download config.ini.php, edit it an change my datatabase password, then upload the new file ?

Is there only Piwik running on this server? Or may other programs also infected?

If I do, have I to download config.ini.php, edit it an change my datatabase password, then upload the new file ?


I use PSPad as editor, with this program you can edit files on your server. You don´t have to down- and upload them.

My web site was infected but I replace all the .js and all the index. (they were modified by the trojan)
Now my web site is clean and only Piwik is running on my database.
I can edit config.ini.php on the server with notepad++ too.
Thanks for all.