[new install] installer seems unable to create all the tables needed

There was a problem installing the plugin ExampleFeedburner: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table ‘piwik_db.piwik_site’ doesn’t exist If this plugin has already been installed, and if you want to hide this message, you must add the following line under the [PluginsInstalled] entry in your config/config.ini.php file: PluginsInstalled[] = ExampleFeedburner
The table piwik_site is indeed not there
At this point I only have 3 tables:

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_piwik_db |
| piwik_pdf |
| piwik_user_dashboard |
| piwik_user_language |

Any idea what to do to get any further? Any workarounds?

Delete all tables, and the file config/config.ini.php and try the install again

Thanks Matt.

Just tried, and it still doesn’t work.

In the ‘optional’ section in the installer, part 1, I get the following warnings:

File integrity	 File integrity check could not be performed due to missing manifest.inc.php.
Tracker status	 500 
GET request to piwik.php failed. Try whitelisting this URL from mod_security and HTTP Authentication.

Is this a showstopper? The ‘optional’ title suggests it’s not.
Any workaround?

Tracker status 500
GET request to piwik.php failed. Try whitelisting this URL from mod_security and HTTP Authentication.

This one is a blocker for sure please correct this error