Mtm_medium in tracking not working


We are using Tracking Urls to track data by our external Matomo Server
Unfortunatly the capaign medium is not tracked. Campaign is tracked, but medium is missing…
Any ideas ?

Here an example call to the Piwik Script:


Hi @fun.tastico
If the request you provided is the one sent by your page during tracking, the token_auth param is not mandatory (you can track without this param, except if you need to track in past days for example).
Another thing: mtm_campaign, mtm_medium, mtm_source don’t need to be part of the tracking parameters, because they are extracted from the page URL (url).
Did you install MarketingCampaignsReporting plugin? Indeed, mtm_source and mtm_medium are usable only with this plugin.

Hello Philippe
Thank you for the info to “shorten” my tracking link. I will try this.

But: MarketingCampaignsReporting is installed… Or could it be a problem with the duplicate “mtm_” params ???

Hi @fun.tastico

Is it also enabled?

Yes - it is :wink:
I know that many users would answer with “Oups” - so my mistake that I haven’t mentioned it yet :rofl:

Hi @fun.tastico
Can you check if you have any error in the Matomo error log file?
Also check in the DB if there is campaign_content, campaign_group, campaign_id, campaign_keyword, campaign_medium, campaign_name, campaign_placement and campaign_source columns in matomo_log_visit table?

Log in “/tmp/logs” is empty - is there another one ?

Tables exists

BTW: There are some entries in matomo_visit_log with filled “campaign_medium”.
But they are all from 2022…
Could it be a problem after an update ?

Hi @fun.tastico

Yes, if database update has not been made after update (or plugin installation / activation), some trackings can be ignored because of missing tables / column for example.

For logs:

For incomplete Matomo update / plugin update or install:

$ ./path/to/matomo/console core:update


Hi Philippe

Logs stay empty, Installation is up to date…

Any other ideas ?

Thank you