Motamo integration with iFrame

Hi all!

I’ve recently embedded Motamo on my beta site through Wordpress. Although, a part of my public website is an embedded iFrame and unfortunately the funnels, heat maps etc are not able to catch any action on the iFrame area.

Is there a specific Java Script method to get analytics for the iFrame area as well? I did read a few posts but they are all very contradicting.

Any help appreciated!


I think you should also integrate the tracking code into the iframe if possible. Although that could also have implications that you don’t want (too many page views, wrong URL, etc.).
It is not possible for the website embedding the iframe to control the actions within the iframe due to browser restrictions.

An advanced variant for Google Analytics has been described on this page. There one builds on the approach that communication can be established between IFrame and website via Javascript.

You could also transfer this to Matomo if you are experienced with Javascript.