I started a migration of a website’s data into another Matomo installation. The source Piwik/Matomo started quite a while ago and the target Matomo has been installed this day. Yet, both are running Matomo 3.11.0. Source is using the table prefix “piwik_”, target is using “matomo_”.
On the first dry-run I get:
Are you sure you want to migrate the data for idSite 59. (y/N)y
The following columns are missing in the target DB table "matomo_site": custom_css, custom_css_file
The following columns are missing in the target DB table "matomo_log_visit": location_provider
The following columns are missing in the source DB table "piwik_log_link_visit_action": idaction_content_interaction, idaction_content_name, idaction_content_piece, idaction_content_target
The following columns are missing in the target DB table "matomo_log_conversion": referer_visit_server_date
I guess the source DB has some old fields as the new DB doesn’t have those. How can I make sure if it’s save to delete fields from the source DB?
Any news on this one? I don’t think that having different schema in a supposedly same version is something that should happen. After all, isn’t the upgrade database procedure responsible to keep the schema the same?