I did not find a real recipe for making friends with memcached
Are there any ready-made modules or settings?
What would you like to use Memcached for?
If you want to speed up Matomo a bit I’d look into Redis.
We already have an installed memcached service on the server. I would like to use it in full. But there are no working moments of the bundle memcached with Matomo.
They didn’t work with REDIS, I’m not ready to use it, although if its application gives a strong gain, is it worth trying?
We heavily use Sitegrounds Memcached instances in Singapore, and this is working very well. Any Matomo Memcached integration might by a good idea. Maybe.
It should be not that hard to add a memcached backend to the Matomo caching component. See here for more info: GitHub - matomo-org/component-cache: PHP caching library based on Doctrine cache
Thank you for the link. That’s very helpful.