Matomo WP Plugin Dashboard not showing


I’m using the Wordpress Plugin (beta).
The Summary in the Wordpress admin section is working fine.
But when I tap on “reporting” the matomo dashboard is showing nothing except the navigation elements.
The center of the screen remains empty when I tap any link from the left menu.

The firefox inspector says:

Possibly unhandled rejection: null asset_manager_core_js.js:230:492
    e https://www.[...]/wp-content/plugins/matomo/assets/js/asset_manager_core_js.js?v=3.13.0?cb=1494ff302c87ece47fcad6d7d8580c0b:230
    get https://www.[...]/wp-content/plugins/matomo/assets/js/asset_manager_core_js.js?v=3.13.0?cb=1494ff302c87ece47fcad6d7d8580c0b:202
    g https://www.[...]/wp-content/plugins/matomo/assets/js/asset_manager_core_js.js?v=3.13.0?cb=1494ff302c87ece47fcad6d7d8580c0b:242
    $digest https://www.[...]/wp-content/plugins/matomo/assets/js/asset_manager_core_js.js?v=3.13.0?cb=1494ff302c87ece47fcad6d7d8580c0b:254
    $apply https://www.[...]/wp-content/plugins/matomo/assets/js/asset_manager_core_js.js?v=3.13.0?cb=1494ff302c87ece47fcad6d7d8580c0b:257
    l https://www.[...]/wp-content/plugins/matomo/assets/js/asset_manager_core_js.js?v=3.13.0?cb=1494ff302c87ece47fcad6d7d8580c0b:209
    onload https://www.[...]/wp-content/plugins/matomo/assets/js/asset_manager_core_js.js?v=3.13.0?cb=1494ff302c87ece47fcad6d7d8580c0b:215

I already tried to remove the plugin completely and to start from scratch but I was not successful.

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Hi there,

when you look at the network tab in the developer tools, can you maybe see some resources not being loaded? Like an HTML file or so?


I checked that. But no, everything is marked with a green status 200.

Best Regards

Any chance you can give us access to your WordPress? You could create a new user assigning a Matomo role this way we shouldn’t have access to any of the other data in your WordPress (not tested though).

Sure. I could send you the credentials as a PM. But how can I send a PM?


Please send per mail it to hello at

I just sent an e-mail.
Thanks for your support.
Best Regards.

Thanks for sending us the login details. It seems like there might be some PHP error maybe. Is there any chance you could check your PHP and/or webserver logs to see if there is any error? You might also want to have a look at WP_DEBUG: I have an issue with the plugin, how do I troubleshoot and enable debug mode? FAQ - Analytics Platform - Matomo
It seems some requests simply don’t return data.

thanks for investing the issue.
I just enabled Debug mode as described in the FAQ but no messages appeared on my site.
I then added

define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );

but also no log file appeared in /wp-content/.

Do you have any further ideas?

Thanks and best Regards.

I have the same problem. The Dashboard is empty.

Firefox Console shows this error.

Error: [$compile:tplrt]$compile/tplrt?p0=piwikRep…gmenu.directive.html%3Fcb%3D768ee1a9bfa7322ac08bd1551dea9df4
    F asset_manager_core_js.js:1007
    ha asset_manager_core_js.js:3244
    k asset_manager_core_js.js:5025
    $digest asset_manager_core_js.js:5426
    $apply asset_manager_core_js.js:5525
    k asset_manager_core_js.js:3980
    v asset_manager_core_js.js:4126
    onload asset_manager_core_js.js:4147
    Pg asset_manager_core_js.js:4142
    s asset_manager_core_js.js:4016
    b asset_manager_core_js.js:3946
    k asset_manager_core_js.js:5025
    $digest asset_manager_core_js.js:5426
    $apply asset_manager_core_js.js:5525
    c asset_manager_core_js.js:1411
    invoke asset_manager_core_js.js:2137
    c asset_manager_core_js.js:1406
    Wc asset_manager_core_js.js:1422
    Ee asset_manager_core_js.js:1375
    <anonymous> asset_manager_core_js.js:11319
    jQuery 13

Hi @riteshpandey,

The error message shows the problem:

Matomo tries to load an HTML file like, but doesn’t get anything back that looks like the HTML file Matomo expects.

So make sure you don’t have a webserver rule that is blocking or modifying this request (you can check the network tool of the Firefox developer tools for more detail)

Hi @Lukas

I checked the Network tab and did not find any request for the said file.

Here are two more errors that appear in Console.

Error: [$compile:tplrt]$compile/tplrt?p0=piwikQui…ccess.directive.html%3Fcb%3D768ee1a9bfa7322ac08bd1551dea9df4
    F asset_manager_core_js.js:1007
    ha asset_manager_core_js.js:3244
    k asset_manager_core_js.js:5025
    $digest asset_manager_core_js.js:5426
    $apply asset_manager_core_js.js:5525
    k asset_manager_core_js.js:3980
    v asset_manager_core_js.js:4126
    onload asset_manager_core_js.js:4147
    Pg asset_manager_core_js.js:4142
    s asset_manager_core_js.js:4016
    b asset_manager_core_js.js:3946
    k asset_manager_core_js.js:5025
    $digest asset_manager_core_js.js:5426
    $apply asset_manager_core_js.js:5525
    c asset_manager_core_js.js:1411
    invoke asset_manager_core_js.js:2137
    c asset_manager_core_js.js:1406
    Wc asset_manager_core_js.js:1422
    Ee asset_manager_core_js.js:1375
    <anonymous> asset_manager_core_js.js:11319
    jQuery 13
Error: [$compile:tplrt]$compile/tplrt?p0=piwikRep…gmenu.directive.html%3Fcb%3D768ee1a9bfa7322ac08bd1551dea9df4
    F asset_manager_core_js.js:1007
    ha asset_manager_core_js.js:3244
    k asset_manager_core_js.js:5025
    $digest asset_manager_core_js.js:5426
    $apply asset_manager_core_js.js:5525
    k asset_manager_core_js.js:3980
    v asset_manager_core_js.js:4126
    onload asset_manager_core_js.js:4147
    Pg asset_manager_core_js.js:4142
    s asset_manager_core_js.js:4016
    b asset_manager_core_js.js:3946
    k asset_manager_core_js.js:5025
    $digest asset_manager_core_js.js:5426
    $apply asset_manager_core_js.js:5525
    c asset_manager_core_js.js:1411
    invoke asset_manager_core_js.js:2137
    c asset_manager_core_js.js:1406
    Wc asset_manager_core_js.js:1422
    Ee asset_manager_core_js.js:1375
    <anonymous> asset_manager_core_js.js:11319
    jQuery 13

Here is how my Network tab looks for all HTML file requests


The fourth entry in your screenshot looks exactly like the URL I mentioned (the ?cb= is just a random string to avoid fetching a stale file)

Thanks @Lukas

Here is the response that I get.

<html><head></head><body><div class="reportingMenu"><ul class="navbar hide-on-med-and-down" role="menu" aria-label="{{ 'CoreHome_MainNavigation'|translate }}">
    <li ng-repeat="category in" class="menuTab" role="menuitem" ng-class="{'active':}">
        <a class="item" tabindex="5" href="" ng-click="loadCategory(category)">
            <span class="menu-icon {{ category.icon ? category.icon : 'icon-arrow-right' }}"></span>{{ }}
            <span class="hidden">
             {{ 'CoreHome_Menu'|translate }}

        <ul role="menu">
            <li ng-repeat="subcategory in category.subcategories" role="menuitem" ng-class="{'active':}">
                <div ng-if="subcategory.isGroup" piwik-menudropdown show-search="true" menu-title="{{|escape }}">
                    <a class="item" tabindex="5" ng-repeat="subcat in subcategory.subcategories" title="{{ subcat.tooltip }}" ng-class="{'active':}" ng-href="#?{{ makeUrl(category,subcat) }}" ng-click="loadSubcategory(category, subcat)">
                        {{ }}

                <a ng-if="!subcategory.isGroup" ng-href="#?{{ makeUrl(category,subcategory) }}" class="item" ng-click="loadSubcategory(category, subcategory)">
                    {{ }}

                <a class="item-help-icon" tabindex="5" href="javascript:" ng-if="" ng-click="showHelp(category, subcategory, $event)" ng-class="{'active': helpShownCategory == subcategory &amp;&amp;}">
                    <span class="icon-help"></span>
<ul id="mobile-left-menu" class="sidenav hide-on-large-only">
    <li class="no-padding" ng-repeat="category in">
        <ul class="collapsible collapsible-accordion" piwik-side-nav="nav .activateLeftMenu">
                <a class="collapsible-header"><i class="{{ category.icon ? category.icon : 'icon-arrow-bottom' }}"></i>{{ }}</a>
                <div class="collapsible-body">
                        <li ng-repeat="subcategory in category.subcategories">
                            <a ng-if="subcategory.isGroup" ng-repeat="subcat in subcategory.subcategories" ng-click="loadSubcategory(category, subcat)" ng-href="#?{{ makeUrl(category,subcat) }}">{{ }}</a>
                            <a ng-if="!subcategory.isGroup" ng-click="loadSubcategory(category, subcategory)" ng-href="#?{{ makeUrl(category,subcategory) }}">{{ }}</a>

<script type="text/javascript">
  if (!window.Zephr) window.Zephr = {};
  window.Zephr.accessDetails = {"authenticated":true,"accessDecisions":{},"entitlements":{},"credits":{},"meters":{"81WcRn":{"usedInDecision":false,"totalCredits":4,"remainingCredits":4},"ql8yF5":{"usedInDecision":false,"totalCredits":2,"remainingCredits":2},"edtxuP":{"usedInDecision":false,"totalCredits":4,"remainingCredits":4}},"trialTrackingDetails":[],"testGroups":{"39df01bc-fa96-446e-91fb-db453d85dc1e":"B"},"activeProducts":[]};
<script type="text/javascript">
  window.Zephr = window.Zephr || {};
  window.Zephr.includeOutcomes = true;
  window.Zephr.outcomesAsEvents = false;
  window.Zephr.groupFields = false;
</script><script async type="text/javascript">
(function() {
    var xhr = new(XMLHttpRequest || ActiveXObject)('MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0');'GET', '/blaize/datalayer', true);
    xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
            var response;
            try {
                response = JSON.parse(xhr.response);
            } catch (e) {
                response = xhr.response;
            if (xhr.status === 200) {
                for (var dataLayerFieldName in response) {
                    if (!(dataLayerFieldName in window)) window[dataLayerFieldName] = [];

                    var pageView = response[dataLayerFieldName];
                    var events = [];

                    if (window.Zephr && window.Zephr.includeOutcomes && window.Zephr.outcomes) {
                        pageView.zephrOutcomes = window.Zephr.outcomes;

                        if (window.Zephr.outcomesAsEvents) {
                            Object.keys(window.Zephr.outcomes || []).forEach(function(outcomeKey) {
                                var outcomeEvent = {
                                    event: "zephr-outcome-" + outcomeKey,
                                    featureId: outcomeKey,
                                    featureLabel: window.Zephr.outcomes[outcomeKey].featureLabel,
                                    outcomeId: window.Zephr.outcomes[outcomeKey].outcomeId,
                                    outcomeLabel: window.Zephr.outcomes[outcomeKey].outcomeLabel,
                    if (window.Zephr && window.Zephr.accessDetails) {
                        (window.Zephr.accessDetails.trialTrackingDetails || []).forEach(function(details) {
                            var type = details.entitlementType === 'credits' ? 'credits' : 'meters';
                            var trial = (window.Zephr.accessDetails[type] || {})[details.entitlementId];
                            if (!trial) return;
                            if (window.Zephr.groupFields && !pageView.zephrTrials) pageView.zephrTrials = {};
                            if (details.creditsRemainingKey) {
                                if (window.Zephr.groupFields) {
                                    pageView.zephrTrials[details.creditsRemainingKey] = trial.remainingCredits;
                                } else {
                                    pageView[details.creditsRemainingKey] = trial.remainingCredits;
                            if (details.creditsUsedKey) {
                                if (window.Zephr.groupFields) {
                                    pageView.zephrTrials[details.creditsUsedKey] = trial.totalCredits - trial.remainingCredits;
                                } else {
                                    pageView[details.creditsUsedKey] = trial.totalCredits - trial.remainingCredits;
                    if (Object.keys(pageView).length) {
                        pageView.event = "zephr-pageview";
                    if (!events.length) continue;

                    events.forEach(function(event) {
                var readyEvent = document.createEvent('Event');
                readyEvent.initEvent('zephr.dataLayerReady', true, true);


And this is how the file should look like:

As you can see your Webserver adds a <html><head></head><body> in the beginning and a large javascript block related to window.Zephr.

So please set up your webserver to not modify files to make sure Matomo works correctly.

Thanks @Lukas

Looks like the reverse proxy which sits in front of my server is adding this. Thanks for your quick help. I’ll get this sorted with them.

1 Like

Alex wood here,
I also using the Matomo plugin on a WordPress website where Angular is also included in Wordpress site Aero insta and when I’m logged into my Matomo dashboard, I do not see the “Platform > Marketplace” as any option in the left sidebar menu.