Matomo tracker for shopify cart

Hello, I’m trying Matomo on my test shopify store(development store). I’m using this doc for setting up Matomo tracker code on the store.

In the doc I can see some code snippet added in cart-template.liquid, but in my store I’m not able to find that cart-template.liquid. I checked Sections folder but it was not present(also cart-template.liquid is not present in any other folders also).

Where should I add that code snippet which is mentioned in the doc? are there any equivalent of cart-template.liquid for below shown image

Script mentioned in the doc

var _paq = window._paq = window._paq || [];
{% for item in cart.items %}
{% capture tag_list %}{% for tag in item.product.tags limit:5 %}{{ tag }}{% if forloop.last == false %}::{% endif%}{% endfor %}{% endcapture %}
{% assign tag_array = tag_list | split: '::'%}
   {{ item.product_id }}, // (Required) productSKU
   {{ item.title | json }}, // (Optional) productName
   {{ tag_array | json }}, // (Optional) productCategory
   {{ item.final_price | money_without_currency }}, // (Recommended) price
   {{ item.quantity }} // (Optional, defaults to 1) quantity
{% endfor %}
_paq.push(['trackEcommerceCartUpdate', {{ cart.total_price | money_without_currency }}]);