Matomo Tag Not Seeing Google Tag Manager Pageview Triggers

I have a react website that i want to track with Matomo
I have everything setup and am using Google Tag Manager(will now refer to it as GTM) to install the matomo tracking code tag

I noticed that GTM is able to see all pages i go to even if the page is not loaded for single page apps and component pages with child pages for example i have console.log to log what GTM sees and GTM is able to track the url changes and see all pageviews

but for some reason matomo refused to see the child pages pageviews and even back and forward pages matomo can not register these pageviews

it is crazy to me how i have matomo tag inside the GTM tag and yet GTM sees everything but matomo refuses to just see what GTM sees

matomo will see regular pageviews but as soon i use back and forward buttons, matomo can not track these pageviews and when i first go to the parent component landing page it sees as a pageview but then any child page after that clicked from inside the parent page matomo will not see the pages. this is disappointing that matomo as a web tracking app does not have default settings to track these things without me even having to make any settings changes

but anyways how do i fix this?
anyone else faced this issue and fixed it?