Hey, I work at an agency, a lot of our clients are wanting to move away from GA4 to Matomo so i have been testing it out but one thing i cant get working is that i cant get goals that I’ve set up in Matomo Tag Manager to appear in the visitor log, using the debugger i can see the goal firing fine so it is triggering but it just isn’t appearing in the visitor log.
If i change it to an event, works fine, and i an see the event appearing in the real time visit log where it will say something like
Spent a total of 1 hours 5 min on the website, and performed 32 actions (31 Pageviews, 1 Events) in 4 visits.
Converted 0 goals.
How do i get a goal in MTM to appear in that converted 0 goals part? i dont want to use MTM but then need to use JS for goals, is that the only way to get the converted goals to appear? theres the goals part down the side but that doesn’t seam to link in anyway to the goals in MTM side.
Thanks for any help here, if you need screenshots or anything to help just let me know.
Probably a stupid question: Did you create that goal in Matomo settings? I think you can configure any goal id in MTM but it is only recorded if it matches an existing goal id.
Events are different, they are created/recorded when you “call” them. You don’t need to set them up before tracking them.
I have a goal setup, but i am unsure how to link that to the goal in MTM, is it just the case that they need to be named the exact same?
If i use JS code i can get the goal to fire but want to use MTM as i could have a few hundred clients to migrate over and tag manager is just easier vs code changes on all those sites.
I got it working, i think i was just over complicating it after hours of going around in a circle.
If others have the same issue, what i did to get this working was to use Matomo tag manager to create an event in my case on form submission, and then make a goal where the goal triggers on the event category that matches the one i set up in MTM
Super simple now that ive done it but took me most of yesterday to figure out!
Thanks for the help Stefan, when you said make sure IDs are linked got me thinking hah.