- We are currently using Matomo 3.7.0.
- We are currently using Microsoft Edge 44.17763.1.0.
- One of our customers reported Matomo is not tracking page visits to their site by Edge users. This has probably been the case for awhile; however, we have not cared until now… I suspect the page visits are not being tracked due one of our Edge settings, which is locked down by our administrators…
- I found a solution when searching for this problem, but it was dated 2016, and it was a database/table update that fixed it, and I don’t/didn’t see what version of Matomo was involved. Can someone/anyone tell me either 1) what setting in Edge can prevent it from being tracked, so I can beat our administrators with it, or/or 2) what version of Matomo “should” be able to track Edge users?
Thank You/Whoever in advance!